Chapter 5: Riding in Baby

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*Still Sam's POV*

I was helping Skyler wash her arm of while she washed her neck and chest, she finished wiping the blood of her chest and neck; I'm glad Dean didn't cut her any deeper because if he did she would be dead. She was looking at me as I cleaned her cuts on her arm she had 20 on her arm, I looked up at her and meet her piercing grey eyes. I heard the door open to her bedroom and Dean call out, " Were leaving now.....Oh Hi." He said as he saw us sitting in the bathroom together, Skyler quickly rolled her sleeve down and Dean gave me the 'Should I ask' look and I shook my head no. I stood up of the floor from cleaning her cuts and pulled her up with me. "Ok let me go get my bag and i'll see ya'll out in the Impala in a minute."Skyler said walking out into her room. "How does she know the type of car I have?" Dean asked, "1967 Chevy Impala, hardtop, 4 door... must I continue oh and you call her baby. Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cake hole. Plus, Sam was once turned into the Impala when The Trickster/ Gabriel decided to teach ya'll a lesson about playing your roles. Sam at the time was the vessel for Lucifer and Dean you were the vessel for Michael. I know everything about ya'll hell ya'll could quiz me."We heard Sky yell from her bedroom Dean just huffed and walked out to go to the car and I followed since I already had my bag in there. Me and Dean were outside leaning on the car and waiting for Skyler, she finally walked out with her bag. She put it in the trunk and we all got in the car and Dean started up the engine, "So Skyler tell us more about yourself?"Dean said from the front seat curious about Skyler I guess. "There's not really that much to tell but I have had no family for years my mom and brother died in a house fire when I was 6 months old, My father became a drunk after when I became old enough he would beat me and rape me. I never really had a family I've been depressed for years and I have anxiety, I still get beaten up by girls at my dance school and I let them do it because I am nothing. Well that's why I watched supernatural, it was my escape away from my hell and I would always imagine myself here with ya'll and Bobby and Cas. Supernatural was pretty much my life, I mean I started acting like ya'll. But, my southern accent and words still stick sadly, I hate my southern accent I wish it would just disappear but oh well. But when you guys really get to know me you know I act alot like Dean, I build up walls and I pile things up and keep them inside but the only difference is I explode. So that's me." Sky said. "Nice to know, but I mean like what do you like to do for example, I'm Dean I am an Aquarius, I like long walks and frisky women." Dean said with a smirk and Sky started laughing. I felt a ting of jealousy and Sky just immediately stopped when I felt that. "Sam why are you jealous of your brother what do you think he's hotter then you or something?" Sky asked aloud and Dean looked at me and started laughing I became extremely jealous when he winked at her and she blushed. "Sam I blushed on purpose you forget I can feel what you feel and I already told you I can't like someone else so even you chose someone else I can't it will always be you. Plus, I know you like me or you wouldn't be jelly and even if you said you can't help it. It's a sign from the universe saying we should be together." She said explaining her..well our thoughts. "Yea I know and your right its destiny for us to be together." I said. "Its not like y'all haven't changed destiny before."She said her voice sounding sad. "Who said I wanted to change it?" I asked and she immediately smiled and blushed. I just laughed at her action she just shrunk in the back seat and put her headphones in. She started giggling, "What's so funny?"Dean asked after snapping his fingers in her face. She took one earbud out and said "Just watching supernatural vines. Jensen/Dean and Jared\Sam act like dumb people behind the camera."She said calming down she put her headphones back in her ears and played her head down on the door. I just smiled at her relaxed figure in the backseat. "You really care about her don't you?"Dean asked. "Yea I really do and I love her, I can't help it but just being around her makes me feel like a teenager again and there's this feeling I've never felt before not even with Jess and then there's the felling of needing to protect her no matter what and that's from anything. I always have this attraction to her like if I'm not around her I feel really anxious and I need to be around her. Dean I keep trying to deny it because anyone I've ever cared about like that dies, but Dean I really do love her." I looked back at her and she was smiling.
Hey I wrote the last part of this chapter on my phone so sorry if the lining is off I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter

Love ya' PIGS~ SKY E.

Word count: 971

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