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Static set off early to the store while the rest of us packed up the camp. I didn't like the idea of going on a raid, but what choice did I have.

"Crow, why are we packing up, we've only been here a few days"

"Yes, but after the raid we need to be able to move fast. All of us. We'll go to a temporary base for one night, then move again the next morning."


I was getting quite good at helping to pack up by now, and soon it was all in the bags, waiting to be put in the van, which Static still had with him.

When Static finally got back he said "Right, I'm taking Crow, Ice and Newby with me. Crow knows what med's we'll need, Ice is a great driver and Newby could use the experience."

"What about me, Static?"

"We've been over this before Cub. No!"


"NO! No Cub, that's final"

Cub looked like he was going to argue more, but Angel took him to one side and spoke to him quietly.

"We're going in the car. Ice, you'll be driving, Crow, you direct what we pick up, here's the list, Newby, you'll be carrying most of what we get, and I'll keep everyone else in check. We leave tonight. Ice come here and I'll tell you where we're going."

Static and Ice went off and started to talk. Crow looked over the list, trying to memorise it. And as for Angel and Cub, she was still trying to explain to him why he couldn't go. It didn't look like she was winning.

"Cub" I said. "You're not the only one who isn't going, Angel has to stay here too"

"Yeah, but at least Angel's been before. And you only just got here and you get to go. It's not fair."

"No, but life isn't fair. You just have to get used to it."

"But I thought the whole point of this was to make a fairer place to live!" he said stubbornly. I realised, I'd never asked what the rebels wanted, other than to upset The State. But they must want more than that. I decided to ask Static later. Meanwhile Angel came to my rescue.

"A Fairer society where things are more evenly distributed, and not just a few people at the top have everything, and where everyone gets a chance. You'll get your chance when you're older."

"But why can't I have it now!?"

"Because you're too young and inexperienced"

"I'm more experienced than you" he said to me. It was true, not much point in denying it.

"Yes, but maybe Static cares about you more than me. You've been here longer. How old were you when you arrived here?"


"Well then, Static probably sees you like part of his family" and that's what they were like. One really strange, dysfunctional family, where Static was the dad, Angel was the big sister who made sure everyone got along, Crow was the granddad, Cub was the child, and Ice was like a ratty uncle, who loves them all the same. So where do I fit into this family? Well that's obvious, I don't. Family don't plan on leaving the others like that, and I was. Wasn't I?

Made curios I asked "Angel, how old are you?"

"19. Why?"

"Just curios"

"How old are you?"



"Newby! I need to talk to you!" called Static.

By Another Name (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now