A Birthday

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  • Dedicated to Lucy Coats and Anthony Lewis

For Lucy Coats and Anthony Lewis, whos book is a huge part of my childhood


"It's Cubs birthday tomorrow and-" whispered Static to Ice, Crow, Angel and me at six that morning while Cub was still asleep.

"You know when he was born" I interrupted.

"No. It's the day we found him.” He said irritated at my interruption “Anyway, I think he should have a party, all in favour raise your hand, but keep in mind, my votes the only one that counts"

We all raised our hands and he nodded, "Good, Angel, you’re in charge of the cake, what d'you recon we can sort out?"

"Well we have those eggs in the fridge don't we, and a bit of flour so we can make a nice sponge."

"What about icing, we've got the sugar. And jam, we've got some canned strawberries, it won't be perfect, but it’ll be better than nothing”

Angel blushed and said "I don't know how to make them" embarrassedly

"None of us do." added Static.

"That’s okay, I do, I'll teach you."

"Great, so Newbe, you're now on Cake duty. Crow, Ice you'll be sorting out decorations, any ideas?"

"I know where a place where there's some flowers, we can pick them and attach them to where we're going." said Crow.

"Or even better, we can camp there." said Static.

"It's not really secure, there's virtually no cover and no easily defendable exit route."

"It's his 10th birthday I want it to be special, and it's only for one night."

"I still don't think it's a good idea" replied Crow.

"I do. We're doing this Crow" he said.

"Fine" replied Crow "But I don't like it"

It was the first time I'd seen him end an argument like that, by exercising his power over the group, since he'd decided that I was staying. He must care a lot about Cub to do that.

"Good, so that leaves me. I'm gonna take him on shooting practice keep him away while you set everything up."


When Cub got up he asked "Shouldn't you and Newbe be at the sand pit?"

"I gave her the day off, remember." Static reminded him

"Oh, does this mean that we won't be doing shooting practice" he looked so downcast I would have volunteered to give up my day off if I hadn't known Static was going to take him anyway.

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