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Harry's surprised to see Alec at four thirty. He's not entirely sure what he should expect from the man, but he knows that he has to keep his cool and refrain from yelling at him because he's still on the clock and he can't lose his job over some asshole that doesn't know how to treat his wife.

It's clear that Alec doesn't really know what to do and Harry doesn't have it in him to not help him out.

"You don't have to sign out or anything. Just make sure that she has everything that she needs and you're good."

Alec turns his head and glares at him. He hasn't done anything wrong, he just doesn't like the man because Mary is his and he's better looking than he thought.

Ember is still in the back of the room playing with a few other kids with her back turned to the front, so she hasn't noticed that her father is there yet. Alec uses this as an opportunity to have a one on one conversation with Harry.

"Can I talk with you in the hall?"

Harry's wary because he knows that this conversation isn't going to go well, but he doesn't want to piss him off any further.


He lets Alec take the lead and makes sure that he is standing where he can see through the open door to make sure that he has an eye on all of his students.

Alec doesn't waste any time in speaking his mind, "I don't know who you think you are, sleeping with my wife, but it ends here. Don't talk to her and don't fuck her. Hell, don't even think about her because she's taken. Next time I find out you've been with her, I'll knock those pearly whites clean out of your mouth. Got it?"

Harry grits his teeth and breathes in slowly and carefully in an attempt to keep his calm. He hasn't done anything with Mary at all. Alec should be the one hearing that from him because he's the son-of-a-bitch that's disrespecting his wife and treating her like property.

But he can't say anything that he wants to because he knows that Alec will call the school and tell the principal that he threatened him and harassed him in front of his students and he could potentially lose his job.

There are so many vile things running through his mind. So many nasty things that he wants to say to this horrible man, but none of them break the surface because he knows how to control himself.

"Mr. Wood, none of the accusations you've made are true and I cannot forbid her to pick up Ember if she wants to because she hasn't done anything to show that she's a danger."

Alec doesn't like his response and thinks that it's in his best interest to further prove his point. He grabs Harry's shirt with both hands and twists his fists in the fabric before pushing him up against the door.

"I don't think you heard me the first time Mr. Styles. Stop screwing around with my wife or I'll knock that pretty smile of yours clean off your face and I'll make damn sure you don't ever have any children. Is that clear?"

Harry feels like he's going to dislocate his jaw. It takes every ounce of patience and human decency in him to hold his tongue and reply with the answer that he knows Alec wants to hear.


He lets him go and Harry thanks God that none of the children saw what happened. He's not sure if they heard it, but he's certain that they would have turned to look if they had.

Alec stalks into the classroom and Harry readjusts his shirt and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. He understands why Mary's still with him, but he really doesn't understand why Alec lets her believe that he'll come back for her.

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