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The cold air hits everyone a little harder than they expected it to the very moment that they set foot outside of the airport. Harry surprised Mary and Ember a few weeks ago with a mini vacation to Sweden and they've finally made it. He figured that everyone needed a little break and that Sweden would be perfect because it's beautiful and calm and maybe it would help Mary get back into photography.

She'd told him how she missed it and how she wants to get back into it, and he thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to give her some time to rekindle what she loves and to get away from work for a little while.

In Ember's case, she gets to experience another part of the world and a different culture and Harry thinks that it's incredibly important because she'll learn some things and she won't feel like they're trying to keep her in her home town forever.

"It's cold!"

Harry and Mary laugh, "Of course it is! It's not summer over here!"

Mary knew that this would happen because Ember protested when she tried to get her to wear warmer clothes, so she brought her a heavy coat in their carry on. She helps Ember into the sleeves as Harry tries to get them a cab to their hotel.

"See, mother knows best." She kisses Ember's cheek to let her know that she isn't scolding her, "Don't worry, I packed your warm clothes after you ran downstairs to see Harry."

Harry chuckles lightly as he finally catches a cab driver's attention. Ember's adorable and he loves that Mary took the time to correct her bad decision without upsetting her in the process. She's such a good mother and he absolutely adores that about her, especially because he wants to have children in the future and he's hoping to have them with her.

Ember looks down at her feet shyly, "Thank you, mom."

"You're very welcome, sweetheart."

A few silent minutes pass, the only sound around them being the sound of cars driving by and people exiting the airport. They're all cold except Ember because her mother made sure to get her a coat that was perfect for the weather and the clothes that she's wearing underneath. Mary's holding Harry's free hand and leaning into him in an attempt to warm up a little as they wait.

He's a little irritated that none of the cabs have stopped for them, but he doesn't voice it because one finally pulls up before he loses his patience. Mary lets go of his hand and starts to help him with their bags as Ember eagerly jumps into the back seat, but he stops her as soon as she starts because she's really cold and they only have a few bags.

"Hey, I've got it. You're freezing, warm up a little bit."

Mary looks at him with slightly pouted lips, "Are you sure?"

Harry smiles and gently takes the two bags from Mary's hands, "Positive."

Mary returns his smile and mumbles a soft, "Okay."

Before she steps into the car, he kisses her cheek and smiles as the blush rises in her cheeks. Mary doesn't blush a lot, but she does when he catches her by surprise with random gestures and loving kisses.

She's what he's been looking for since he got over Kate and he really wants to show her that he's in it for the long hall and that he's the guy that she's seen and the guy that he appears to be. He's not putting on a show for her and he really wants her to see that.

He can't really feel his hands by the time that he makes it into the backseat, but that's okay because the heat from Mary's hand and the heat from the vent will warm them up considerably quickly.

Mary's already told the driver the hotel address and they're on the road seconds after Harry settles into his seat. She's already holding his hand and he loves it because she isn't so afraid of letting Ember see some of the affection between them. She's never said so herself, but he knows that she was wary of it in the beginning because all of it was new to her and Ember and she didn't want to shove another man in her father's place or make her feel that way.

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