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Mary stirs in her sleep and cuddles closer to the warm body beside her. The sun is out and illuminating the room with its warm rays as if its saying hello. Alec's standing in the doorway with wide eyes.

He's just made it back from Elena's to find boxes downstairs and another man in his bed. It shouldn't piss him off because he's still cheating on her, but it does because they're married and it's his bed.

Alec can't really make out who he is, but he'll get the chance to in a moment when Mary wakes up. He clears his throat loudly to get her attention. She's a fairly light sleeper and he's sure that it will do the trick.

It works, but not in the way that he'd expected. He doesn't remember that, since he's been staying here, Mary's been a lot harder to wake up than he remembered because she's gotten so used to staying up late and sleeping alone.

Mary stirs again and a soft groan escapes her lips. She can see the light behind her eyelids and she absolutely does not want to get up. A few hours of sleep was fine when it was the same thing night after night, but now she's gotten used to going to bed at a reasonable hour and the lack of sleep is really hitting her hard.

In an attempt to block out the sun, she rolls over to face the windowless side of the room. There's a little difference and it's enough for her to sigh contentedly and focus her mind on going back to sleep.

Alec clears his throat again because she still hasn't opened her eyes or acknowledged his presence. This time, the sound is enough. Mary's eyes snap open and she immediately sits up.

It takes her a moment to focus because her eyes are incredibly heavy and her mind is still bogged down with sleep, but once she does her eyes widen and a knot forms in her stomach.

Harry's awake now and he mumbles something about her coming back to bed as his arms reach for her and pull her closer. Despite the fact that this is where she wants to be with him, she just can't go back to sleep because Alec's here and he looks pissed.


Now Harry opens his eyes and sits up just like Mary. They're both afraid of what he might do, especially Mary because she knows that he's threatened Harry before.

The tension builds and builds as the three stare at each other not knowing what to do.

Alec is the first to rip the tension in half, "What the hell is going on, Mary?"

She doesn't know what to say. There are so many things swimming through her mind and breaching the surface, but she's not sure which one will get the point across the way that she wants to.

Harry finds her hand under the covers and gives it a reassuring squeeze. She's shaking and she still hasn't said a word. He wants to say it for her, but he can't because that wouldn't be right. He can't do that because it isn't his place to. Mary needs to do this on her own.

His small action gives her the reassurance that she needs to say what she really needs to, and what she really wants to say. This is it, she's finally going to leave him.

"This is me leaving you. I'm done Alec. I can't handle the lies anymore and, quite frankly, you don't love me because, if you did, you wouldn't still be seeing Elena behind my back. Harry's here because he doesn't treat me like I'm just another object to have under his belt. The boxes downstairs are yours and I want you to get your stuff out by Friday afternoon."

Mary closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to keep herself calm because this hurts so much. Even though he's hurt her time and time again it hurts to have to give up on something that was once good.

"I want a divorce and you're not changing my mind. You can have whatever you want, I don't care. Just—please, please don't take my daughter away from me. I'll never forgive you if you take her away from me."

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