Mermaid Savior

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I have always been intrigued by the humans and their strange ways, but I hated them at times to. There have been countless times I have had to help clean up after one of their shenanigans. Oil, rubbish, fishing nets, all were a mermaid's worst friend. Instead of going to lessons with my sisters, or helping out with arguments within the oceans politics and seven kingdoms, I was stuck constantly helping the creatures of the sea from the nasty human traps.

It was a normal patrol day, one problem after the other. I had just swam from the far reaches of my father's kingdom to the outside wall of a sea witches cave, and was mega tired. I was swimming back to my room at the castle, my copper coloured tail scales glinting in the sun, when the sun was suddenly and unexpectedly blocked. I groaned and looked up to see the shadow of a very large human ship. It was unlike me to not notice anything as I had really sharp eyes, but I had not noticed the ship. Curiously I swam closer, so close I could touch the pristine white prow. I didn't think it was dangerous so I let my head break the water enough to just see the deck of the ship. As I had hypothesised, the ship was very large and well kept, the ship of someone rich. I could hear a fight going on from inside and stayed above the water watching to see if I could catch what was going on. Suddenly a loud crash could be heard and a figure was thrown onto the deck. The figure was decked out in a red and gold metal suit, or maybe it was a robot? I didn't know, but I watched as another guy in a similar suit in purple and silver laughed and kicked the red suited guy over the edge. As the red suited guy fell the blue light in the robotic like eyes of the helmet went out and the guy became completely immobile. Quickly tying my hair back with a piece of seaweed, I dived after the rapidly descending man. I had no clue if the suit was waterproof or not, so the sooner I could get to him the better. I pushed myself harder, and eventually I got close enough to grab the man's suited arm. I swam upwards, thinking as I went. There was no way I was depositing this robo man back on that boat, he may end up on the seas floor before anyone knows he's missing. I know that there is a rocky island close by with a lighthouse, if I could get him there then maybe another human would find him and help him. Deciding that this was a good idea, I pulled the man above the water and swam as fast as I could. Hopefully the metal suit didn't fill with water and the man was still alive. I cheered as I saw the light house in the distance, and I pushed myself once again to go faster. As soon as the water got to shallow for me to swim, I muttered a spell which would briefly turn me human. I winced as the skin splitting sensation of my tail turning into legs began, and started to try to haul the man asure as soon as the transformation was complete. Once we were safely from the water's edge at this time of high tide I sat down next to the man and pressed a button on the back of his neck curiously. I felt the helmet come loose under my hands and pulled it off. The man in question had a shock of dark hair and a goatee to match. The suit had kept the man dry and so I knew that he would not die of hypothermia. The man would be so confused when he finally woke up, so I decided to have some more fun and pulled the rope necklace off from around my neck that held a piece of rock carved as an anchor. I winced as I pulled a rather large scale from my arm, but I knew it would always regrow. I used my sharp fangs to puncture a hole in the object, before I thread the thin rope thru the hole. Lifting the man's head slightly, I tied the back of it around his neck. Still in human form I stood up and knocked on the lighthouse door loudly. I called help out once before I jumped back in the water, muttering the spell and wincing once again as my newfound legs grew back into the coppery tail I loved so much. Hiding behind a rock, I watched as a man who looked to be about fifty in human years and had greying hair opened the lighthouse door. The man looked around before spotting robo man and walking over to him, right as robo man managed to sit up. I tuned my keen ears into their short conversation as I watched as the older man helped robo man into a standing position and helped him walk to the lighthouse.

"Are you okay Sir?" asked the older man

"No," replied robo man "I remember fighting with another guy who managed to recreate my suit, a flash of bronze, long brown hair, falling as my suit was immobile, and then blacking out, only to wake up here. You must think I'm crazy,"

I giggled quietly to myself and dove into the ocean, swimming back to father's palace with a new found energy.

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