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I was on a cruise, trying to have a getaway for once, when the man in the purple suit showed up. The offending man claimed to be called Iron Knight, and fired his repulsors at me. We fought for a while, but I was overpowered and the Iron Man suit was down to two percent power. The suit shut down and I cursed. One last repulser fry and I was on the lower deck of my private ship. I couldn't move, couldn't even reach the button for the helmet. Out of the darkened eye pieces I thought I saw a flash of bronze and ahead full of long brown hair. If I could have, I would've shaken my head. There is no way anyone could be swimming this far out or this close. But the helmet restricted my movements. The brown haired stranger cocked their head to the side as they turned to face the trouble. The mysterious stranger turned out to be a... blue lipped, copper eyed, fanged girl? I blinked, and a mechanical laugh filled the air. Suddenly I was falling thru the air and my eyes widened. I can't remember if this suit was waterproof or not. I could hear everything going on outside, and heard a loud splashing sound as I hit the water. Another splash was heard but I couldn't see what was going on, just rapidly darkening water. I could feel a pressure build up in my ears. There was a sudden jerk upwards and blacked out.

I woke up to a cold wind on my face, meaning someone had both gotten me out of the water and taken my helmet off. I found myself mobile again and pushed myself into a sitting position. I looked around me and felt something heavy against my neck. I looked down to find a thin rope with a rock anchor charm and a large (well, it was about the size of the anchor charm, bit bigger then normal) copper coloured scale. An older man approached me and helped me to stand up.

"Are you okay Sir?" he asked

"No," I replied, voice hoarse "I remember fighting with another guy who managed to recreate my suit, a flash of bronze, long brown hair, falling as my suit was immobile, and then blacking out, only to wake up here. You must think I'm crazy,"

The man helped me into the lighthouse, and that was when I noticed we were on a rocky island. I heard a giggle and a splash. Looking around I saw the flick of a copper coloured tail above the waves, and everything finally connected. 'No,' I thought 'It's crazy'. There was only one thing that could have gotten me to safety, but everyone knows that they don't exist, and I'd be told I was crazy if I told anyone. I was saved by a mermaid  

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