Mermaid Savior pt#2

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I had just finished helping a baby beluga whale find her mother, it was breeding season and poor baby Bertha had lost her mother in the crowd of other whales. I loved the beach, especially because I get to watch so many different human activities. I was sitting on a rock, further out in the ocean so that the humans wouldn't see me, and was watching as the humans packed up to get away from the impending storm. I watched as surfers paddled ashore and emergency services boats started patrolling the area. I was in the waters of the seventh kingdom, so I'm pretty sure that this was a malibu beach. Smiling I splashed down into the waves and swam over to a rather large house just off a cliff, a stretch of beach of to one side. Anytime I was in the seventh kingdom I watched this house, as it was the house of the human I had saved. There appeared to be nothing wrong today, just like there hadn't every other time, but I felt as if something was off. I sat on a rock and watched for any sign of activity, but there was nothing, not even a lit window. I started to worry, and then I realised what for. An explosion rocked the cliff and I was momentarily blinded by smoke and using my other senses to dodge debris. This house had just been rebuilt and the idiotic human decided to go and get it blown up again. Of coarse. I rolled my bronze eyes and quickly splashed off the rock. I dodged flying debris as I watched for any sign of a falling body. I must have been just in time, because I managed to catch the human man right before he hit the water. Knowing that he was a) unconscious and b) would be able to breathe underwater with the scale I had given him (that I noticed he still wore, tucked under his shirt), I pulled the man under. Once we had gotten safely away from any falling debris I placed the man down on the ocean floor, only to have him open his eyes and sit up. I swam backwards a bit in shock, before shaking my head and swimming back to the man, who was now smirking.

"So you're the one who saved me two years ago and has been since watching me," the man smirked

"Well someone has to make sure you don't do something stupid," I retorted

"I can't believe you actually had the courage to reveal yourself, after all this time," The man continued "Also, how is it that I can breathe under water? I've noticed it several times before now. Is it this scale? Is the scale yours? Does that make the necklace yours? Is it the necklace or the scale?"

"Whoa, hold up," I said, holding up a hand "You can breath from a mixture of both. The anchor is carved from a rock found in the first kingdom, the eldest of the seven kingdoms, and the scale is indeed mine. Because you have part of the oldest part of the ocean and a savior's scale, you can do several things, such as breathing under water and having your legs bind together into a tale,"

"So I can become a merman? Do I have gills now? How is it that I can talk underwater? Why don't you look like the mermaids from the stories?" the man rattled off

"Okay, some of those questions I can't answer. Yes, you essentially become a merman, gills and all. I don't know how, we just can. And because stories can lie. Now, can I ask a question of my own?" I asked

"You just did," Smirked the man

"What's your name?" I asked

"You've been stalking me for months, how do you not know? Am I not famous underwater?" asked the man

"No, now call you tell me or shall I give you a new name?" I asked

"Your name first, then give me a new name. My real name is Tony Stark," explained the man

"Well, Tony, my name is Diandria, meaning divine protector, and I am the daughter of the king of the fourth kingdom and a protector of the seven kingdoms from human misgivings and a helper of the oceans of earth. My royal name is Airavata, meaning child of water. I am one of the only half merperson half human, hence why I can swap between the two with the mutterings of a simple spell," I explained"If I am to give you a mer name it must have a meaning, Arib will do, I think,"

"What does that mean?" Tony asked

"Arib means bright, brilliant, and clever, all three of which you appear to be," I explained

"So, how do I become a merman?" Tony asked

"Just say merman whilst clutching the charms, it works in reverse to," I shrugged

"Okay. Merman," said Tony

A brilliant light flashed, forcing me to look away, but when I turned back I was facing a black tailed, blue skinned, webbed finger version of the man who was once there. Tony had officially become Arib.

"C'mon, Ari, my father is staying in the seventh kingdom for a while and I wish for you to meet him," I explained

I grabbed Arib's arm and pulled him along behind me to the palace of the seventh kingdom, where I'm sure my father would be.  

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