We're Going On A Date.!

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2 Weeks Later.!

Skyller's Point Of View.!

So today August is taking me on a date at 7 O' Clock.  It's 6 O' Clock right now so I'm about to get dressed.  These two weeks have been pretty bad.  I haven't talked to my brother at all.  He left and hasn't been back since.  He hasn't called or answered my calls.  I'm so worried.  I was mad but honestly, I just want to know he's safe. August tells me don't worry.  Honestly, I think he knows something I don't.  Anyways August and I's relationship has been going great.  He's super sweet and he takes everything really slow with me.  He hasn't tried to have sex with me.  Even though i know for a fact he wants to.  I can just tell y the look on his face.  It's kinda cute.  But anyways I got up and got dressed. ( OUTFIT IN THE MEDIA) After I finished getting dressed I curled my hair.  August love's when my hair is curled.  Then I did my make up and made it light.  Just enough to bring out my natural beauty.  Then the doorbell rang.  I walked downstairs and opened the door. 

" Damn you look so sexy " August yelled holding flower's and smiling.   I laughed.  " Thanks, baby you look great as well, " I said smiling.  " These are for you my love " August said handing me the flowers.  " Thank you. Let me go get my purse and put these in a vase and we can go " I said.  " Alright babyhe, " August said in his NOLA accent.  I walked in the kitchen grabbed my purse and put the flower's in a vase and walked back to him. " Let's go, " I said.  " Let's, " August said.  We left and August drove us to a carnival.  " Omg August I haven't been to a carnival since I was 12, " I said really happy.   " I know babyhe and that's why we are here.  Now come on let's have fun " August said.  So we did everything possible at the carnival.  August won me a huge teddy bear and some headphones.  I won him a teddy bear too but it was a small one.  We had so much fun.  After the carnival, August took me to go get ice cream and bought us McDonald's.  Then he took me home.

  " This night was wonderful, " I say looking at him while standing on my porch. " I'm happy baby.  You mean the world to me and I'm happy I have you " August said.  Do you want to come in " I asked getting my keys out?  " Sure babyhe, " August said.  I opened the door and when we walked in we saw a beat up, Dominic.  I ran to him dropping everything I had in y hand in the process.  " Omg Domo what happened, " I said super scared ready to cry.  I looked up and saw August smirking.  " Why the fuck are you smirking. This isn't funny " I said mad letting a tear fall.  " Dominic here got jumped out of the game that's why he's all beat up and why he's been gone so long.  It's a process and he finally decided to get his life right "  August said smiling.  " Are you serious? " I said shocked.  " Yes, Sky I did this for you and most importantly for my future.  I don't want to die and leave you here by yourself.  We need money but I guess that means its time for me to get a real job " Domo said in pain.  " I'm so proud of you " I said hugging him super tight.  " Ouch Sky please let go that hurts so bad " Domo yelled in pain.  " I'm sorry " I said backing up.  " I'm gone take a shower.  I'll see you and Aug tomorrow " Domo said getting up slow and walking upstairs.  " I'm so happy for him nothing better than getting outta that life " August said.  " Yea lets go upstairs, " I said uncomfortably.  " Umm okay " August said confused.   

I got uncomfortable because who knows how many people August has killed or even worst what would he do to me if i got him mad enough.  I mean I understand people have a past. Its just I don't know what his past.  I only know about this August not the one before this. I guess I shouldn't worry about it, but it still bothers me.  I don't want his past to interfere with our future.  August and I went upstairs and lied down.  " Baby are okay " August asked.  " Yea " I lied.  " Baby I know you're lying whats wrong " August said.  " Tell me about your past " I said. " Why do you want to know about that " August asked kinda mad.  " I don't know anything about you besides who you are now.  I want to know the person you was before " I said.  " Yo really wtf that's not your fucking business " August yelled at me getting in my face. " Yo get the fuck out my face now " I yelled.  " I'm leaving " August said about to walk out.  " No tell me.  TELL ME " I said yelling snatching his arm back.  " Don't fucking touch me " August said pushing me into the wall and leaving out my room and leaving out the house slamming the front door. 

 I ran to my bed and cried.  " Sky what happened " Domo asked coming into my room.  " Just leave " I said crying.  " You asked about his past didn't you " Domo asked.  " Yes what's so wrong with that, " I said crying.  " No one knows his past just give him time " Domo said leaving out.  I continued to cry with Domo's words replaying in my head.  " No one knows his past "  What's so bad about it that he's hiding it.  I cried myself to sleep.  I'll see him at school tomorrow.  It's Monday anyway.

He's My Teacher. (A August Alsina Love Story.)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα