Hey Bitches

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Dont worry I didnt forget you.

Gotta get that promo though.

Please enjoy this edit I made, and subscribe to my channel, and force your friends to subscribe to me im tryna get it lit.

Idk if I can ever say I will have a fandom of my own one day but its certainly my dream. Like my own little family ya know because ive been in this community for so long and I know that fandoms are a beautiful thing. Ive met so many friends and even a...more than friend through fandoms.

Rules though because I neeeeed yall to do me a favor.

My youtube channel is Hopey M.

Yes, my name is Hope, but on here I would rather not be refered to by my name.

Also, my sexuality is kinda floating around on the internet but idk I dont care much. Basically lets avoid talking about it on my youtube channel I just dont want it to get to certain parts of my family and yeah. Some of you dont know what im talking about and thats good you dont have to.

I dont wanna make a coming out video, I dont wanna explain or even touch on it at all. My youtube channel is about me goofing around being myself and entertaining not who I love. If im forced to then im forced to but long story short my sexuality doesnt define me or effect my entertainment so theres no point in getting hate for nothing I would rather gloss over it.

This is OUR LITTLE SECRET. You guys are SPECIAL fans so dont let me down.

Just dont mention my wattpad name ever on my channel. And lets avoid sexuality questions. Just keep in mind you guys are the only ones who know my wattpad and id like it to stay that way. These are two different worlds for me.

Ok thats all.

Jian ProofWhere stories live. Discover now