Chapter 22: This Means War (Part 2)

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Canis Major scheduled a briefing session at dawn.

Two of his four battalions had not yet arrived even though the sun was clearly visible on the horizon. These missions were under Crux Chevalier's authority. They were the most dangerous and included the most soldiers. Therefore, they were most likely to be newsworthy.

Every moment Canis waited was a moment wasted. He decided to start without his lieutenant-general.

"You there, go first!" Canis commanded the leader of the First Battalion. "Give me an update on your progress."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. There is no news to report. We've explored upstream and downstream in great depth, and the surrounding forest as well. I'm sure you are aware the original tunnel has not reopened, and there has been no sign of any others."

Canis had an urge to slit a throat or two to express his disapproval. But that was what his mother would do. Instead, he looked to the sky. He hoped the fading morning stars could hear his request for patience and self-control.

"How about you?" Canis asked the Second Battalion. "Any word from Pyxis?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. . ." Canis's ears were piqued. "But they had no additional advice or further instruction that would be of aid to us."

Was this the best they could do? Their incompetence was inexcusable, and he had a feeling that he was about to endure more of it.

At long last, Crux's phalanx surfaced from the rough. The soldiers landed, two at a time, and lined up behind the two other battalions. The Gray Coats marched over in their fairy state a few moments later and assumed their position at the back.

Crux was the last to arrive. Without caution or care, he swooped to a landing right beside Canis. The blast of air accompanying him required Canis to widen his stance to correct his balance.

"Nice of you to finally join us," Canis hissed in response. After a rough estimate, Canis realized the group was short in numbers. "Where are the others?"

Crux stood tall and pressed out his armored chest. "They are pursuing a small cluster of natives north."

Canis straightened his posture too, reaffirming his place as number one in command. "Other news?"

"Mikala Jokura is dead," Crux informed him, "but killing her was more of a challenge than we had anticipated. Arrows came down upon us as soon as we entered her room. We couldn't overpower the well-hidden assailants, so I ordered a Gray Coat to dress like a doctor. Mrs. Jokura was poisoned."


"Three Reds, six Grays. Ten others were injured."

"And the other Jokuras?" Canis asked.

"They've abandoned their homes and haven't returned. We are still in the process of questioning friends and neighbors."

Canis sighed loudly through his nose. "That's it? That's all we've accomplished in the six days since our arrival? We've killed one insane woman? Did you extract any information from her first?"

"No. Once there were casualties, it became a mission of retribution."

The prince and the lieutenant-general both turned toward the buzz of the Fourth Battalion approaching. It appeared they had two prisoners with them.

Crux cracked his knuckles.

At Canis Major's feet, the Crown Champion commander dropped two bound and gagged adolescent fairy natives—a girl and a boy. "We were able to catch only two, Your Majesty. Two of their companions evaded capture."

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