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Much farther north than most humans would dare settle, December unleashed its relentless fury. Animals, large and small, buried themselves in their shelters, though if the winter stayed as cold as it was, their shelters would be their tombs.

The plant kingdom was not faring much better. The black spruce trees scattered across the ridge were vulnerable to the wind. Each gust tested the elasticity of branches already laden with snow. Many of the trees' limbs tore away from their trunks and tumbled down the rocky embankment.

And hidden beneath those rocks were the caves that sheltered the fairy city of Pyxis. Survival was not guaranteed for the fairies either, but that had less to do with the wind and snow than with the presence of evil among them. The Sauvageau family had ruled the fairy city for centuries, each successor as powerful and merciless as his or her predecessor, if not more so. They had truly immortalized the meaning of their name . . . savage. . . .

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Fairy Tale: Winter's BiteWhere stories live. Discover now