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Brittany Nishimura stood in front of the mirror wrapping her overstretched hair tie around her onyx ponytail no longer seeing the orphan girl she once was

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Brittany Nishimura stood in front of the mirror wrapping her overstretched hair tie around her onyx ponytail no longer seeing the orphan girl she once was. She was free of foster homes and decrepit, threadbare clothes and had Richard Van Stavern to thank for that. The photographer that saw her breathtaking face out the window of his penthouse one snowy Friday. He knew if she could hold his attention in a ratty coat, she could amaze in a beautiful gown. She went from a penniless child living with uncaring foster parents to a teen model with millions in a trust fund attending a prestigious institute and a new dad that took fatherhood seriously.

Out of her school uniform, Brittany was snug in her black running shorts and a pink sports bra sitting crossed legged, running her mind over her busy work schedule for the weekend. As she pulled her shoelaces tight the door swung open. With a bang, the gold doorknob knocked into the already dented wall from the forgetful girl's repeated rush-ins. It was Fiona, Brittany let her surprise fade and went back to her shoes.

"Forgot my phone!" Fiona huffed taking deep breaths.

Brown skin and curly hair, Fiona Hamilton, the daughter of a designer, could always be spotted not because of her striking looks but for her inability to be still.

"Going to Gavin's?" Brittany asked grabbing her iPhone, the newest and latest version of course, off the ruffled comforter—splayed crookedly across her bed. During the weekdays the comforter would always be nice and neatly spread over the long twin bed on the right side of the room. But today was Friday and on Friday all routines were thrown out the window. The only thing of importance was the pleasures of oneself and self didn't care about the bed.

"You're working out, again!" Fiona inquired drinking in the sight of Brittany in workout gear and not in the blue Fendi dress she came back from Spain with. "You're not coming!"

Brittany had worked out that morning before class. Her rambling through the armoire woke Fiona from a deep sleep and pleasant dreaming.

Brittany shut the door behind them as they left the room for the vacant hallway. "I wish but my flight leaves tomorrow. I have a photoshoot and a fashion show in Milan. I have to stay in shape and keep rested. Time is money! We all don't have loaded parents."

"Sorry," Fiona told with a sad furrow to her brows as they ran down the creaking wooden stairs.

It was like they were the only ones in Primrose Dorm. Silence met them in the foyer. There wasn't a sound to be heard or a soul hanging around. It was a given that the seniors and juniors were gone. They performed the ritual migration to Gavin's oasis twenty-nine miles from campus; where they partied out of the site of adults. But surely the underclassmen were lurking around there somewhere, always lurking and hoping to be included. They stayed out the way of the seniors who now existed in their own world only caring about graduating and life after Dawson.

"I guess that's a no." Fiona gripped the polished brass doorknob and pushed open the walnut stained doors. "But I'll eventually get you to hang out with us."

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