Chapter Fifty-Six

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The orderlies didn't stand a chance against Two Ton Terry

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The orderlies didn't stand a chance against Two Ton Terry. Malachi hid under the table. It wasn't the best hiding place but it was the only one they had. They relied on the dark to keep them hidden. Hopefully, during his tussle with the staff, he didn't see them.

Just then, Terry, made of bone of massive muscles grabbed Benny's small ankle. Benny flew from under the table, his hands trying to grab anything. Malachi tried to snatch Benny's hand but the athlete wasn't quick enough. Malachi crawled out from under the table and hopped to his feet to she Benny hemmed up on the wall by Terry's vice-grip hands. Benny's feet dangled a few inches off the ground. Unfortunately, Benny's frisk kicks to the man's shins didn't deter his rage.

Malachi grabbed the orderly's Billy club from his unconscious body. He stomped over to Terry and rammed the club under the irate man's sweat-drenched neck. Terry fell back and crashed Malachi to the ground. Pinned under Terry's wide back, bearing down on him like boulder Malachi used every muscle in his arms to keep the stick compressed on Terry's throat.

"Let go!" Benny choked out between coughs. "You're going to kill him."

Malachi loosened the club as sweat rolled down his eyebrow. "Get him off me!" He gasped out letting the club fall from his hands.

Benny climbed to his feet and the worked together, rolling them man off Malachi and onto the floor.

"We need to go." Malachi was bent over holding his knees trying to catch his breath. "We need to get them before they do something stupid."

Benny stepped around Terry cautiously, hoping the man was still out and not playing possum. "The power's out." He held his sore neck. "I think it's already done."

"The storm knocked the power out," Malachi affirmed standing up.

Benny strolled to the door, "There's a backup generator for the backup generator." He pulled open the unlocked door. "You think this place plays with security." He walking into the hallway and let Malachi answer his own question.

Malachi jogged up to Benny's side. "Then we need to get out of here. Call the police." He took tentative steps, not being able to see where he was going.

"If I leave...I'll be a fugitive." Benny rubbed his hand along the wall trying to get a concept to where they were. "I supposedly committed attempted murder, remember."

"Okay." Malachi took a heavy breath. "We'll find Isa, Faith, Troy, Maya...I don't really care about Lucas because he's a jackass, get them out. Then we'll." He gestured to himself and Benny. "Go to the airport charter a plane and go to a country without extradition."

Benny shook his head even though Malachi couldn't see it, "I'm not running. I didn't—" He lost his words as he lost his foot. Benny hit the floor, bumping his shoulder hard on the waxed tile.

"What happen?" Malachi looked toward the area he heard breathing. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Benny told. "Just tripped." He sat on his hunches rolling his arm, flexing out his shoulder. He stopped. Faint breathing pulled his attention. "You hear that?"

"What?" Malachi angled his head trying to hear a little better but the only thing his eardrums picked up was rain battering the roof.

"Breathing." Benny groped around the darkness. His hand slicked across the floor until a mass stop the movement of his fingertips. He rolled his hands over something. His breathing got fainter as his hands slid over what felt like a waist and then his hands slid over something moist and stick. "Blood."

A hand wrenched around Benny's arm and he almost jumped out of his skin.

"Help." The voice begged then the hand fell away from Benny. " Lu—"

Malachi dropped to his knees, "Maya!"

Benny slid his hands up her body until they found her neck. He placed two fingers to her neck. "She's gone."

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