miami florida

41 1 0

edited 12-25-16


Not the ideal time to wake up but hey..IM GOING ON A CRUISE. WITH MY BEST FRIENDS.
That woke me up. I rushed and put my contacts in and changed clothes. I was too excited to eat and there would be food at the airport so im not worried. Part of the travel package was first class air so they can feed me. Also knowing Tori, we'll be getting Starbucks before that plane takes off.

I double checked all my bags for the millionth time. All our expenses are paid for so if I do end up forgeting something, I can get it. But somethings are personal, ya know?

On the way to the airport, my dad and I talk about my first stop: Miami. He knows I've loved Florida for a long time.

"So Asypn.." My dad starts.
"Im not going to see you for half a year."
"Ye-ah" I choke.
"Just make good choices kid. Make me proud."
"Ok dad"

At this point, I'm crying beyond belief. I can see the airport approaching, so I quickly pull myself together. It's not like my friends haven't seen me cry before though. I'm pretty emotional.

"Katherine!! Wow, are you on something; you're never this excited?!" I laugh as we embrace.
"Just on pure excitement!!"

I turned around to see Tori handing me a Sarbucks cup.
"Thanks fam"
Damn I'm really glad we get to experience this opportunity together.

After a tearful goodbye to our families, my and my friends finally boarded the plane.
A few hours later, we finally got off and went for our bags.

"Is that who I think it is" Katherine frantically wispered.
"What? Where? And who?" Asked Lilly.
"Over there" Katherine nudged.
"Oh my god" Tori gasped.
"What?" Lilly sighed.
"Is it really him?" I ask. It cant be...Right?
"No no, thats Dave alright" Lilly said.

Dave is Lilly's ex. They dated for a solid 7 months before he had to move. They tried the whole long distance thing, but it wasn't working. Breaking up was a mutual decision. I don't think she every realllly got over him.

"Oh god he sees me. Do I look ok?" Lilly panics.
"You look fine. Go get em!" I push her in Dave's direction.


Everything was going so well. Now my ex is here. And looking hella fine might I add. But I'll contain my feelings. Gotta be chill.

"Hey Lilly" Dave says enthusiastically.
"Hi! What are you doing here?" I smile.
"Ahh nothing much, I'm actually going on a cruise."
This has to be a coincidence. We can't be here for the same reason.

"That's weird. I'm here for a cruise too" I tell him.
"That is funny. Which one?" Dave asks.
"Umm the 128 night one. I got a scholarship."
"For real? Me too!" he exclaims.
"Well hopefully I'll see you" I say trying to wrap up this convo up.
"Actually..Um this is kinda embarrassing but..I don't know if you know, but there's a party on the boat tonight to kick things do you want to go? As friends if you want" Dave rambles.
"Why not" I nod.
"Ok see you later?"


"She's been over there a long time" Tori remarks.
"Let her be" I say as I smack her arm.
"Here she comes!!"
"Sooo WHAT DID HE SAY" Katherine attacks her.

By the time Lilly was done filling us in, our car was at the dock.
"Thanks" Tori says to the driver. She has this weird thing with adults.

By 4pm, all our stuff was put away in our rooms. There are two beds to a room so I'm with Lilly then Tori and Katherine are together. Our rooms are pretty bomb honestly. They're big and clean and just really nice.

At 5pm, we start to get ready. Hair, clothes, makeup, all that. 6 'o clock came and we were ready surprisingly. Here goes nothing.


We got to the party which could be heard for miles. I danced a little but soon went for food. I love food. Sue me. While I was eating at cupcake, I caught eyes with the DJ. There wasn't a "real" DJ, people could just go up and play what they like. Anyways, the boy there now was making me feel butterflies in my stomach. So I did the mature thing and went to talk to him.

"Hey. I'm Katherine"
"Sup. I'm James"
"You a student here?" I ask.
That was a dumb question Katherine, of corSE HE'S A STUDENT.
"Yeah. You?"
Let Me Love You by Justin Bieber came on and I jumped.

"Hey, I love this song" I realize.
"Really? Cool. Here, put these on."
James gave me the extra pair of headphones and we stood there and talked about music and life the rest of the night.

A little after 3am, James and I were skiping down the hall to my room.
"I had a lot of fun with you" I say out of breath.
"Yeah? Good. Or else I wouldn't do this."

He leaned down, our lips touching just for a second before we were interrupted.

"Um exuse me? Cinderella needs to get to bed" Tori says, pulling my arm.
"Okay, James chuckes. "You have my number right?"
"Yeah" I smile. Then I kiss him right in front of Tori.
"Ok ok, She'll see you later ok?" Tori closes the door.

"Whyyyy Torriiii it was going so welllll" I whine.
"That's my duty as big sister" She laughs as she goes to her room.

wow that was long

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