cruising down florida

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edited 12-25-16


I woke up the next morning in a great mood. My life was going great and I'm in Florida for goodness sakes! With my friends and and bunch of cute guys. Not like I was looking or anything.

Katherine wasn't up yet but that's normal. If she wakes up before noon, it's a good day. BUT, today is Lilly's birthday so we have to get ready.

"Katherine wake up. Please." I plead.
"C'mon we have to bake a cake."
"No. I'm tried."
"It's her birthday, we have to be nice friends"
"C'monnnnn, we'll go find James after?"
I know how to play her game.


"Ok, everything's put together. Call Asypn and tell her to bring Lilly over." I told Katherine.

Aspyn has a key so she walks in singing, with Lilly behind her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" we all shout.

"Awwee thanks guyss." Lilly blushes.

"Let's eat cake!" Katherine exclaims.

Another hour passes with lots of cake eating and random talking. Today the boat is just cruising down the strait so we don't need to be anywhere. School doesn't start right away so the students are free.

"Hey, do you want to go swimming?" Asypn suggests.
"Sure, why not?" I say.

Lilly and Aspyn leave to get their stuff, agreeing to meet us by the pool.

Katherine and I make our way there and, after getting lost too many times, we finally arrived.

Once we got settled, I realized we forgot towels. I'll have to get the complementary ones.

"I'll be right back" I tell Kat.
"I'll be here" Kat sighs.
"Hey, He'll meet you. Don't worry." I say, trying to reassure her.

James told her he'd meet her today, and so far, Katherine hasn't seen him. She's a little sad, so I'm trying to cheer her up. That boy isn't allowed to make Katherine sad.

On my to the towels, I get a good look at the pool. I see little groups of people everywhere. I picked up two towels and was starting to make my way back when I see the lifeguard. Damn. He's- Wow. He's really hot. Ok. Um. He's looking. Ok. Play it off Tori.

I walk back to our spot and see that Lilly and Aspyn have arrived.
"Um Tori," Lilly says nervously.
"Um yeah" I mock.
"Yeah, we kinda forgot towels too."
"Fine. I'll get more."
"Yay you're the best!"
"You better belive it" I mumble.

When I get back to the table, another girl is standing there. Time to make friends.

"Hi. I'm Tori"
"Hey. I'm Ari." she says.
"That's a pretty name."
"Thanks," she says, "Hey you know that lifeguard is checking you out?"
"Really? Dang."
"You should go talk to him." she suggests.
"You think?" I ask.
"Yeah. Definitely."

"You have a boyfriend?" I ask her .
"Actually, I do. He's back home though." she replies.
"Well it was nice to meet you. Can we talk more?"

We exchanged numbers, then went our ways.

Meanwhile, Katherine was making her own friends.


I went to find food because, as I'm sure you know at this point, I love food. The girl before me finshed ordering, then I got some goldfish.

"Basic. I like it." The girl before me laughed.
"I could live off goldfish. What's your name?" I asked the funny girl.
"Mia." she said.
"Nice. I'm Katherine."
"Nice." She laughed.

"Do you see that boy over there?" Mia asked after a moment of silence.
"Which one?" I squinted. Mia pointed at a group of 4-5 boys.
"The cute one! Duh" she said.

"All of them are pretty nice to look at." I commented.
"Well, the super tall one."
"Yeah" I said still looking.
"Yeah, His name is James." She sighed.

"Does he like music?" I ask.
Could it be him?

"Yeah. Sigh..He's just so cute. Every single girl has liked him." She said dreamy like.
"Well, Mia, it was great talking but I gotta go."
"Ok bye!" Mia waved.

I waved back even though there was a lump in my chest. Every girl??


All my friends went back to their rooms, but I wanted to stay a tad longer. I don't get enough sun in Minnesota so I plan to soak up as much as I can. As I finshed packing up my stuff, I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"Hi?" I said before turning around. Shit it's the lifeguard.

"Hey, I'm Grayson." He said.
"Um hey! I'm Tori." I blush.

"Nice to meet you Tori."
"Same to you. You do a good job lifeguarding."
"Really?" He laughs.
"Yeah. Don't laugh." I giggle.

"Well here," He says pulling out a pen and writing on my arm,"Here's my number in case you forget how to swim."
"Thanks for looking out for me," I giggle, " I'll call you?"
"Yes. Please do."

I slowly walk up to my room. My friends have decided to gather in the other room and not tell me. Wow shocker. I cross the hall and open the door.

"Hey Tori!" Lilly yelled.

"Hey what's on your arm?"

you dont care about me? ok. fuck you. i dont need you

^^who hurt me lol. no really #whohurtliv

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