Ice Water

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The tension could be felt from miles away. Luke had been working on his newest act for his magic show, and Sammy wasn't as interested as he would've liked her to be. 

"I'm sorry she doesn't pay much attention to you, Frederick," Luke muttered, looking down at the white rabbit sitting in his top hat. Sammy rolled her eyes. She tried to be a supportive girlfriend, but this whole magic thing was a bit too much. After his band, 5 Seconds of Sauce, finally became famous, he left the other three boys. He claimed the magic industry was just "calling him". It was all ridiculous to Sammy; he finally got what he had always dreamed of and he gave it all up to become a magician. 

"Let me know when you're done for the night, I'll be in our room," Sammy huffed, getting up off the couch and making her way upstairs. Luke pouted and sighed. 

"Why can't she just be supportive of us, Freddy?" he asked the rabbit, grabbing it's two front paws and moving them around, making it look as if the small animal was dancing. 

Meanwhile, in their bedroom, Sammy was questioning everything. As she sat in their shared bed she looked around at all the packs of cards and different types of props that Luke used in his magic shows. They were only dating, but she had moved in before everything had changed. The boy Luke was now wasn't the boy that Sammy had fallen in love with. Maybe things would be different if Luke had made a career out of his magic, but he hadn't. He just sat around all day practicing tricks and playing with Frederick. How were they support to live? Sammy was being forced to provide for them all on her own now. 

Luke padded up the stairs, peeking his head in the room. Sammy rolled her eyes slightly as she saw he was cradling the small rabbit in his arms. Suddenly, his eyes became teary. 

"This the best gift you ever give me," Luke cried out.

Sammy sighed. She had forgotten for a while that she was the whole reason this magic thing began. She had bought the bunny while Luke was on tour, figuring it would be a cute pet they could have that would be easier to take care of than a dog. Instead, it sparked a sudden interest for magic in Luke's brain and changed both of their lives.

"I'm going to sleep," Sammy mumbled, looking at the pouting blonde boy. She still loved him, she really did. However, too much had changed. She couldn't live this way anymore.

Thanks for the extra help the other day. 

Those seven words were all she needed in that text to her karate instructor. He would know what was coming next.

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