Lukewarm Water

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Sammy felt the water surrounding her, wondering how she had survived Luke's attack. She emerged from what she thought was the mall fountain, but turned out to be an ocean in a strange place. Sammy had never thought she would be reincarnated as a fish anytime in the near future. She swam to the shore and saw a large lobster sitting in the sand. 

"Sammy?" the lobster asked.

"W-who are you?" Sammy questioned, naturally learning how to swim and breathe as a fish.

"It's me, Calum."

Suddenly an anteater appeared behind Calum. "Sammy!"

"Allie?" Sammy asked. She could recognize her twin sister anywhere, even as an anteater.

"Jeez you have a big nose," Calum said, looking at Allie.

Allie shot ants out of her nose at the lobster. "Ouch, that hurt!" Calum exclaimed.

Suddenly a chicken came running down the beach with a llama chasing it.

"Leave me alone, Michael," the chicken said. 

"Ashton!" Calum yelled. Michael chased the chicken straight into the ocean. 

A large eagle then came swooping down, and tried to save the chicken from drowning. In the process, the eagle's wings got wet and both the birds began drowning. Sammy swam up next to the eagle and once she saw it's piercing blue eyes, she knew it was Luke.

She grabbed Calum and brought him back to the shore before returning to Luke.

"Please help," Luke whispered. Sammy laughed.

"Why are you drowning? Just drink the water."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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