Whats Love Got to Do With It? (8)

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Chapter 8

"Carmella, I can't believe you!" My mother shrieked, over dramatically might I add, from across the dining room table. Of course, after discovering Ezra and I in such a compromising position, Ariel just felt it was necessary to call over my parents. *Sigh*, you cant get away with anything these days.

I looked up at my mother. Yup, still yapping, this must be a record or something for her. I, being the patient and good little daughter that I am, just sat there patiently and thoughtfully, waiting for her to finish her tirade.

"After everything that we all have gone through, how could you put us through this. Especially Ariel and Lazar, don't you think they've been through enough recently?" My mother demanded, though we all know there was only one answer she would accept.

I looked beside me to Ezra for help, but he was busy playing with the hem of his parent's tablecloth. Traitor.

Of course everything is my fault. Its my fault for being alone in Ezra's room with him. Its my fault for being naked and tempting him. Its my fault for screaming I was pregnant through the house. Ok, well maybe the last part was my fault, but the rest I had nothing to do with! Its not my fault Ezra is a horny bastard.

"Carmella, are you even listening to me?!?" My mother shrieked, bringing me out of my silent fuming.

"Of course I am, what else could I possibly find more interesting than listening to you complain."

My mother looked at me in shock before her face turned into a disgusted glare. Oops, did I say that out loud? My bad.

"Ben, discipline your daughter. I can no longer converse with someone so rude and insulate." My mother huffed before plopping back down in her chair. I rolled my eyes, what a drama queen. I mean, she is totally overreacting, this whole thing is just a big misunderstanding.

"Carmella, you will not talk to your mother like that, have some more respect please... For my sake." My father mumbled, giving a wary look towards my mother, who was still fuming.

"Fine, fine, fine. Look, I'm sorry ok, for everything, the rudeness, the screaming, the inappropriateness, the whole shebang. I promise to... feel bad about it for at least fifteen minutes." I spoke hastily. Hey, that's the best I can do, because I think we all know that I will do something like this again, its unavoidable.

"Carmella.." My dad warned, though you could see he has much less passion for this fight than my mom has. Sucker, I was always my dad's favorite.

"What???" I whined, sounding like a four year old on helium.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Its not like I haven't done worse, I mean, compared to some of the other stuff I've done this is really nothing. And how come no ones picking on Ezra, because in case you haven't realized he was there too."

Ezra kicked me beneath the table at the mention of his name, but I ignored it. If I was going down than he was going with me.

"Because, Carmella, you aren't a little girl anymore. After Rafaela's pregnancy we have come to realize that none of you are children anymore, and you all are dabbling in adult territory. And if your going to participate in adult activities than you need to be mature about it." My father finished, his face flushing with heat, whether from passion or embarrassment about the subject matter I am not sure.

"Ok, I get that, I really do, but nothing happened between Ezra and I, and nothing will. We've talked about it already, and decided that we want to wait, you know, till marriage or something..." I trailed off. My father was giving me a guilty look that I really did not appreciate.

Suddenly the whole room went quiet. Oh shit, this is the part in the movies when the mass murderer jumps out from behind the curtains and shanks the young, beautiful, protagonist. Which I guess in this case would be me, since my mom is definitely not as young as she tells the people at the DMV.

"I do not want a grandson out of wedlock." Lazar spoke up, for the first time ever I think. I had to quickly grab a dinner roll off the table and shove it in my mouth to keep hysterical laughter from exploding from my mouth. No wonder Lazar never spoke, he sounded like an oompa loompa on crack. I quickly averted my eyes and found my father giving me a disapproving look, despite the slightly upturned corners of his mouth.

Come on Carmella, calm down, its really not that funny. I took a deep breath through my nose then closed my eyes and swallowed the big mound of mushed bread in my mouth. When I finished I looked back towards Lazar and smiled, signaling that I had once again regained control of my idiocy.

"I was very ashamed when I found out that Rafaela was pregnant and it was Ezra's child. Ashamed because Ezra had been so stupid to act in such a way, to forever change, or possibly even ruin both his and Rafaela's lives. Ezra has been given a second chance, and I will not let him throw that away." Lazar asserted roughly, his face resolved to his decision.

"What are you saying, dad?" Ezra asked, speaking for the first time since we all convened in his dining room.

"I'm saying that the decision is made. You and Carmella will no longer continue this 'dating' thing you two are doing, since it seems neither of you can control your rabid hormones."

"What?!? But you can't jus-" Ezra stood up to speak was soon cut off by his father.

"The decision is already made. We have all talked about it and decided that you two will not date. Instead, we have decided to reinstate the arranged marriage, and the sooner it happens the better. In three months Carmella will have spring break and you two will be married, end of story!" Lazar spoke before calmly sitting back down in his seat, a look of indifference on his face, as if he had never spoken.

I looked around the room, but couldn't quite read anyone's faces. I was on an emotional washing machine cycle and I wasn't quite sure where I stood at the moment with where my life was going. I looked over to Ezra just to be met with the same questioning and bewildered gaze. What the fuck just happened?

I looked upon the room again, just now noticing everyones discomfort. Huh, I guess they were expecting me to freak out or something, go figure. Never the one to find solace in a silent moment, my mother opened her big mouth and disrupted the peace.

"Well, now that that's settled, who wants cake? I baked it myself, and its chocolate." She cooed.

And just like that everyone, well except for Ezra and I, got up and went to the kitchen to get themselves a piece of cake.

I looked at Ezra.

"So, I guess we're getting married...again."


ok everyone i know ive been gone long and there is a reason, which i will explain later. But please, bare with me. I love you all. Sorry if this chap is kinda sucky, promise it will get better, and soon!!

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Whats Love Got to do With it?: An Arranged Marriage to a StrangerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt