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"Shit." The doctor cusses and turn his head to Leo. "You better watch out of her father. He's known as the most dangerous beast. I can't believe he has finally got broken. That's not suppose to happen."

"But it did. He's free." I say, moving my head up.

"If you do see him, do not approach him. You too, Luna. Even though he's your father, you can't be near him."

"I don't care." I snap and I see his eyes turn sliver again. He growls and I continue, "Who are you anyway? It seemed like you know him a lot."

He stop growling and his eyes narrow, looking up and down at me. He whispers, "I'm Geri. And your father must not know that I'm here. My master is still alive and had demanded me to hunt your father down once he breaks free. I must find him before he finds me."

"Look, I don't care if my father's a bad guy or not. He's the one that made my mom happy and safe, as well for me too. He's the one that scared the monsters away from me in my old room. He's the one that laughed at my silliness and cuteness. He's the one that loved me with all of his heart, that I'm pretty sure he had forgotten about the revenge and started caring about his family. He's my dad and... Whatever you like it or not, we're not killing him."

Geri's face went still. I slide off the bed and stand up,  wearing the teal gown. I wonder who had changed me, but right now, I have to make sure this Norsewolf follows my command. I'm his Luna and whatever he likes it or not, he must obeys me and his Alpha. I see him fighting with the command, his eyes starting twitching and the nails on his fingers grow. I feel my mate's heart dropping and I know what's about to happen next.

The doctor jumps at me as he transforms into his Norsewolf, snarling and snapping his haw as I half jump, half climb over the bed. He lands on the ground on his fours and jerk his head at me with his sliver eyes. His fur is stormy grey with white belly and neck. He growls and I leap over him to let my beast take control. Before I can land, he lunges at me and we end up breaking the wall by rolling and crashing through it. We snap our jaws at each other and he pushes me off him. I roll away and stand up.

We're outside of the pack hospital. The sun warms my fur as the dam grass cools my paws. A gentle breeze runs through my fur as I watch the doctor gets back on his fours. His ears flatten and he growls, stalking around me in circles. A few pack members saw us and call out to my mate. I sense his aura getting close.

"We will destroy you and your father."Geri growls and I snap my jaw to show what kind of beast I am. Wait? I snapped my jaw without fighting for control. That means my Norsewolf is letting me in control. Wow, that was fast. That might be means my beast had decided to trust me with this.

"You'll never defeat me." I warns, baring my teeth. "You want my dad? You'll have to go through me."

He snarls and leaps at me, his expanded sharp fingers reaching out to grab me. I roll under him and scratch at his underbelly, drawing blood. He howls agony and whips his body to bite on my hind leg. I pull my leg away, but ending up pulling him as well and I scratch his face. My four fingers rakes across his forehead to his cheeks, almost digging his eyes out. He lets go and I push him away. I stand up and stalk around him. He lays on his back, showing the submission in his eyes as he raspy breathes. His belly is covered in dark red.

"You should never disrespect your Luna." I say with my voice lower and gently. I spot more pack members surrounding us with Leo blocking them, making sure they would not come to save Geri. I see the fear in their faces to see who I'm truly am and I see the reflection of me. My paws were bloody from harming their doctor.

I could just kill Geri right there and right now. But I can sense he's the only doctor here for this pack. I don't want my pack to see me as a monster that will kills everyone that disrespect me. I don't want everyone to be afraid of me, even in my Norsewolf form. I meet one of the children's eyes. Innocent. Geri is still innocent since he saves a lot of people. I don't think he has ever fight with anyone in his years.

Geri whimpers as I approach him. I hear him swallow his own blood as the marks on his face runs red. I could end this. But I won't kill a innocent being. I won't kill someone that haven't done anything bad or wrong. I lean in to his neck, hearing his heart beating quickly. I can smell the medicines and the cleanness that has combines with the fresh blood.

"I won't kill you," I claim and hear his beast gives out a relief sigh. "You may will be injured for awhile, but you won't die. Not today."

And with that, I start licking his face, cleaning the metallic blood off. I sense the tension in the air has lessen and the members wander away, leaving me alone with Geri and Leo. I also clean Geri's belly, my rough tongue healing the claws marks. I let him stand up and meet my eyes with his. He bows his head in submission before me and I bump my head on his to show forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, Luna." He says. "I thought you'll be like your father, ruthless, evil, and heartless. But you're not him. You may had hurt me, but you didn't kill me. I can see the light in you, the hope you have been carrying on your shoulder ever since the day you were born. You're our last hope of saving our kind and I can't kill you for that you're the last female. I'm glad you already have forgiven me and I promise that I will not disrespect you again, my only Luna."

"Thank you, Geri." He bows down once again and I rub my scent on his neck. "Don't forget. Never mistaken people as what you thought they would be. I'll never be heartless. I have room for everyone here that wants to be with me in this pack."

I look up suddenly when I hear heavy paws patting themselves on the rocks before us. I gasp as I see the large black beast standing tall and proud, his eyes were glowing red with accomplishment. He softly purrs as he makes his way to me and Geri walks backward to Leo. The dark beast stops before me, never leaving my eyes.

And he greets, his rumbling voice rumbles the ground, "Hello, my little sunshine."

*Screaming when I saw how many reads I have in this book* Thank you everyone for reading and supporting my book. You all make my heart gets all warm and happy! I wish ya'll here with me right now, that way I would hug every single one of you! I might not be a great writer, but I have so many different creative ideas to use that no one else would not have thought of. Again, thank for reading this book. Idk what to do without you guys. :)
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The Last She-Wolf: Book One Of The Last Supernatural (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now