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The tall figure couches down to level his head to meet my eyes. His light green eyes seem to glow in the dark and he closes his eyes, killing the light. I frown, wondering what he's doing. What is he thinking? Why did he agreed to what I had said? Is he the enemy to the white-haired vampire? A slave to him?

"He is a demon vampire." He speaks with such gentleness and calmness that it relaxes me. "He had made a deal with a demon. The demon wants to live in the real world and the vampire wants its powers."

"Who are you?" I whisper and he opens his eyes to bring back the light as he sighs not too loudly.

"I wish I can tell you, but he won't like it." I see him putting down a small round object with something on it. I see that it's a plate with food. "You must know I'm here to take care of you females and make sure you're still well and alive. I'm just a vampire that does his job."

Before he gets up, I reach out and grabs his wrist. I take in a huge sniff and smelling something that's familiar to my nose. He almost draws away his hand when I say, "You're Crow's husband."

There was silence. I look up to see him with sadness and guiltiness on his face, mixing in such emotions in his eyes. I patiently wait for him to reply, knowing it must be hard to be away from her for so many years ever since he is her mate and husband. I now know that the white-haired vampire is not Crow's husband. This man standing before me is her mate, alive and breathing. His tall board form shifts and faces me.

"It was hard to do this, but he has controls over me." He softly says. "I couldn't break the spell when he took over me at the battlefield which I suppose she had already told you about me leaving and coming back as a different man."

"Wait," I quickly say when he turns around. "There's one thing I need you to do for me. Just one."

He stays quiet, letting me know that I have him where I wanted him and I continue, "You need to bring me something to end all of this. Go to the Brokentrees pack and you'll find it."

"What is it?" He asks with curiosity.

"You'll know." I answer simply.

He grunts quietly and left the room, opening the door only for a second to let the warm light in and close it for darkness to come to play again. I sigh greatly and lean over the plate of food. My fingers grip on that seem to be a piece of bread and I take a bite out of it to taste already melted butter inside. There's also a few grapes and a cup of water. I didn't realize that I was terribly hungry when I clean my plate within a few minutes.

I hope he'll get the knife, the only powerful weapon in the world to kill the demon living inside of the vampire. No wonder Crow mistaken him as her husband. They both have the same almond eye-shape, same hair style, and how they sound with their voices when they spoke to me. It's not her fault that she fell for that trick, the switch of brother twins trick. It wasn't her mate's fault either to be taken away from her and put into house guard along with the female wolves.

They're twins and they're the opposite of each other.

Crow's POV:

Night has fallen and here I am, sitting on the window with my back on the side, looking at the starry sky standing out from the darkness. The cool air play with my hair and I sigh, turning my head away. I play the knife in my hand. The knife that I had given to Paige and she had lost it during the battle. I flip and toss it in the air, successfully catching it by the tip of the blade at each toss without nicking myself.

I should kept this knife with me. I probably would have  to kill him when I get the chance, but I had given it to her instead, hoping she'll end him. It was my fault that she was taken again. I couldn't quite keep the scent of her in my nose for very long, already drifting away within a few hours after the war. It's like he somehow figured out how to block out her scent from me. Clever old vampire.

I suddenly stop and hold the knife as I hear the soft sigh of someone. The familiar scent fills my nose and my eyes draw to the outside darkness, seeing the dark blue outlines of the forest. I cock my ears and tilt my head, waiting for that same sound to come again. There was none and I grow suspenseful of it. It wasn't the wind that made that sound and I knew that. It was the sound of someone that I know, but couldn't quite put who it was. Along with the scent, it's still unfamiliar to me.

I tuck the knife in my boot and swing my legs over the edge of the window, dangling over the tall height of the building away from the ground. I can easily land on the ground from three stories tall and so, I push myself off and within seconds, my feet find the soft grass. I press both of my hands on the damp ground, waiting to feel the vibration of whoever there to move or to even breathe. I can feel the purring vibration on my hands, making me raise my brow. Why is this person purring?

I stand up, my eyes adjusting more to the darkness. The night vision sharpen, showing the details of the tress, grass, and the forest. I casualty stroll into the woods, making myself look as calmly as possible. I wrap my hands and lay them behind my back. I begin to whistle a gentle song that I used to do when I had tend my sister when she was sick or hurt.

A stick snaps behind me and I whip around, bringing up my fist to knock this person out. Instead, a hand catches mine and another closes around it, bringing the warmth, sparks, and fireworks. I gasp and pull my hand away quickly. No, that's impossible. He should not be here. Not now. Why is he here? What does he wants with me?

"Crow." That familiar voice of someone that I had once loved speaks with... Sadness?

I look up to meet green eyes glowing brightly in the dark, fighting off the darkness with its own light. The familiar brown hair drapes across his brows, his soft narrow jawline with his soft lips moving to close after he spoke, and his tall board form leaning over me like a tower. He softly smiles and I suddenly widen my eyes.

No way, I thought as I see him standing before me with his handsome face carefully observing me. He had changed.

I feel his hands cupping both sides of my cheeks, pulling me close to him. I close my eyes, still seeing him in the blackness of my mind as he lights it up with his eyes. I feel his warm body as I lean on him, my hands and arms wrapping around his shoulders to his neck. I open my eyes to see him gently looking down at me with such happiness and guiltiness.

It's doesn't matter now. I finally have him back in my arms, alive and well. His sweet scent fills my nose, bringing back the happy memories of us together. How was this possible? How did he stay away from me all of these years? Why did he do that? I was heartbroken when I discovered that he had changed and had tried to kill me.

Stop. I hear him in my mind, hearing his husky voice filling it up and blocking out my thoughts. That wasn't me. It wasn't me at all and I feel bad for not being there at all. It wasn't my fault that I had left you to deal with hi a don to almost died at his hands. I promise you, I will help you end this with the help of our allies at last. We must end this once for all.

A lone tear escapes my eye as my true husband closes in to kiss me for the first time in  so many years...

Hiya! *waving nervously* Again, I feel bad for making you guys hanging there and waiting for the next update. I know I have been a terrible person for doing that to you and so, I really want to say I'm sorry about that. No matter how hard I try to write on this, it seems like time and reality were always pulling me away from this wonderful world and making me get busy with life. Life is never fun and I must enjoy my free times which I don't get it very much now. Hopefully I'll be able to work on it more on Thanksgiving break.
Anyhow, I also wanted to say that happy late Veterans Day. Last Thursday, I joined a group of kids that do America Sign Language and we did God Bless America for the military and veterans that had came to my school for lunch and to meet kids and teachers that will respect him and say thanks to. It was amazing to meet them all and to perform for them to show how much we appreciate them protecting our country from harm and dangers. So, if you happen to see them at anytime, don't be shy to come up to them, shake their hands, and say 'Thank you for serving for our country.' They will like you as well.
Anyway, I gotta go. It's like 12:03 A.M here at the west coast of America and I'm tired due to having to write this. Well, that's for you, my awesome readers. Good night! :)
Comment and vote, thanks.
P.S- I had to listen to rock and dub step music to keep myself wide awake. Haha, at least they're pretty cool to listen to. Okay, I'm gonna go now, bye!

The Last She-Wolf: Book One Of The Last Supernatural (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now