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Crow's POV:

The vampires retreat from the battle and a few wolves give chase after them to make sure they won't come back. I spot a few wolves laying on the ground and they were hugging their wounded arms, legs, and sides. I move my head up and see Leo looking around fearfully. I frown and roam my eyes around the room, trying to find Paige. Where is she? What happened to her? I look back at Leo which he's closer and I make my way to him.

"Leo, do you know where's Paige?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No. I tried mind-linking her, but she's not answering back." Leo replies. "Something bad happened to her. I felt her disappears from the connection between us and it's like she died. Oh, goddess... Don't let her be dead."

"We'll find her." I lay my hand on his shoulder which it's covered in blood, but I don't care about that. "We lost her before and we had found her. We can find her again, somehow. We just need to find clues."

The packs, Leo, and I search everywhere in the house. The only room that seemed to be disturbed was the party room. I try finding her scent, but it appears to be blocked out from my nose. I need her blood or something, just a drop or anything like that. Her clothes won't work. I sigh, sitting down the floor of the party room. I watch as people help get the wounded up and carry them to the pack hospital. Geri's carrying medical kit and doing his best to help the worse. A few times he'll shakes his head when he checks a fallen wolf and have the dead be taken away to be buried. A drop of blood falls from the dead man as someone carries him away. It hit the floor with a splat  and then, I realize something.

Leo had said Paige somehow got disconnected from him which means... They already completed the mate bond. That's it! That's  exactly what I need to use to find her!

"Leo!" I call out as I get up and make my way to him at the other side of the room. He's talking with one of the Alpha and I sense his strong aura, sensing that he's from Russia. "Leo, give me your blood."

"What?" Leo frowns questionably. The Russian scoffs and speaks with his strong Russian accent, "You have a bloodsucker here. We must kill her. She might be a spy for that freak."

"No, that's not true." I claim. "I'm more like the vampire rouge since I had broken away from the clan." I turn my head back to Leo. "Leo, give me your blood. I think I know how to find her again. Just a drop or two."

Leo pauses, then bring out his arm with a few scratch marks across his elbow which happen to be bleeding a little. I let my forefinger nail lengthen and carefully scoop up a few drops of blood. I bring it up to my mouth and I lick it. It tastes strong and powerful, somewhat sweet. I test the blood, trying to get my tongue to gather all the blood information. Soon, the blood fills up my nose and I take in a big breath. It smells like Paige, full of roses with honey. That's when I find more scents that had combined with her. The smell of blood, dirt, and...

"Well?" Leo raises his brow and I notice his arm had been bandaged up. The Russian carefully observes me with his keen icy eyes. My heart drops like a sink and I close my eyes.

"She was taken by my mate." I say almost soundlessly. She smells like my mate... The sweet smell of caramel and vanilla...

Paige's POV:

I slowly open my eyes, fighting off the darkness that kept me away from the reality. I wait for a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dark in the room. I see a closed door ahead and I assume it must be locked. I get up, but something pull my wrists and I end up getting back down on the cold floor. I see chains wraps around my wrists. I also roam my eyes on my long black dress that's covering my body and I replay the time of yesterday. I had became a Luna and we got attacked by vampires. I was fighting with the white-haired vampire until he injected something in me to passed out. And someone whispering in my ears, telling me that I'll be safe.

The Last She-Wolf: Book One Of The Last Supernatural (Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें