Epilogue: Many Happy Returns

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"A breakaway sect of Buddhist warrior monks infiltrated by a blond drug smuggler?! That never really happened!" You said to Anderson.

Yes, you were sitting in a pub with Anderson although it wasn't by choice.

You were just enjoying a pint, alone, when Anderson sees you and barges in and was telling you these stories. "A-a blond smuggler who was exposed by an abbot with unusual powers of observation and deduction!" Anderson exclaimed.

"A blonde woman hiding amongst bald monks? That wouldn't take Sherlock Holmes!" You said as you take a sip of your drink. It has been a little over a year since that day happened and you've tried to move on, but it didn't work.

You actually left your job at Scotland Yard because you didn't feel comfortable working with people who believe that Sherlock was a fake, so you actually became a private detective yourself. And, surprisingly, people did come to consult you with their cases which you gladly took since they distracted you from the pain.

Lestrade told you if you ever wanted to come back there was still a place for you and you told him you appreciated that. "Well, perhaps it did." Anderson said.
"He's dead." You stated and you see Anderson looks at you with a hurt expression.
"I'm sorry. I wish he wasn't, really I do, but he really is dead and gone. I watched him fall, I saw his body." You said.
"Well, how d'you explain this? Sighting number two: incident at New Delhi." Anderson said as he pulls out a map of the world and points at red cros drawn above New Delhi. "You haven't been titling these?" You asked him, appalled.

Then he goes on and tells you about Inspector Prakesh somehow found a killer by making a deduction of working out the depth to which a chocolate Flake had sunk into the victim's ice cream cone.

"Clever man, Inspector Parkesh." You said as you take another swig of your drink.

"Oh, for....! What police inspector could have made that deduction? You remember how Sherlock never took the credit when he solved all of Lestrade's cases?" He asked you and you shake your head at this.

God he's irritating me! You thought. "He's out there. He's hiding. But he can't stop himself from getting involved. It's so obviously him, if you know how to spot the signs!" Anderson said as gazes thoughtfully in the distance and chuckles.

"Anderson, can you please...." You started to say but Anderson talks over you.

"Okay, sighting number three: the Mysterious Juror." And he taps Hamburg on the map and you thump your forehead down onto the table. He talks about a juror convinced the other jurors that a man named Trepoff was guilty.

"It had to be him! There's no one else it can be! Don't you see?" Anderson asked you excitedly.

"I see that you lost a good job fantasizing about a dead man coming back to life, and I know why you want that to happen. But it's never gonna." You said.

"Well what about you? You left your job." Anderson said.

"It was for a good reason! I couldn't work with those people who would look at me with pity and believe that the man I love is a fraud!" You shouted.

"Ah! So a part of you believes he is out there because you said love not loved." Anderson said and you groan and roll your eyes.

"Because I do love him, dead or alive. Nobody will replace Sherlock Holmes in my heart!" You said and you finish your drink, get up and grab your jacket, pop the collar up and start to walk away. "I'm gonna see an old friend. You take care, okay?" You said to Anderson, not even looking at him, and walk out of the pub.

You head back to Baker Street and walk into 221. You go into your aunt's flat, luckily she's out, and walk to your bedroom and go to your closet. You pull out a white box and place it on your bed, open the lid and looked through it to make sure everything was there.

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