5 amazing Mario comebacks

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A/N, I recently published 5 Awful Mario pickup lines, here are the comebacks for dem ladies:

'Ey gurl, show me dem mushrooms and make my Mario grow!'                                                                    'My Goomba's will make him shrink again'

'Can I put my Mario in your warp pipe?'                                                                                                         'Sure, but there's a pirhana plant in it'

'Let me stomp on your Goomba's'                                                                                                                  'Sorry, we're out of screen'

'I think this is the castle where my princess is'                                                                                              'Thank you Mario, but YOUR pirncess is in another castle'

'I am a hungry Luma, gimme 120 starbits'                                                                                                      'But I'll transform into a fat planet'

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