Emo band name generator

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Find your initials and see which emo band you'd be in

The first word applies for your first name and the second for your last name

If your initials are A.A you'd have Black ThornCrown

A: Black or ThornCrown

B: Liberty or Reapers

C: Hell's or Mess

D: Undead or Army

E: Deafening or Darkness

F: Dark Side Of or Jade

G: Shot or Roses

H: Violet or Fire

I: Destroyed or Saviors

J: Final or Knife

K: Suicide or Sounds

L: Crucified or Love

M: Mass or 5

N: *Insert name here* And or Avengers

O: Killed or Wraith

P: Dead or Hell

Q: Fucking or Terror

R: Lonely or Souls

S: Lost or Ghouls

T: Heaven's or Youth

U: Unlikely We Are or Nobodies

V: Blood or Creation

W: Dominated or Cross

X: Extreme or Tragedy

Y: Old or Tears

Z: Bleeding or Serpents

My initials are J.T so my emo band name'd be Final Youth

My brother would be Dark Side of Youth

And my best real life friend would be Undead Love

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