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Hello lovelies, *waves*

I'm taking a deep breath as I'm writing this. It's going to be long but please stick till the end because all information will be in here. About this, the characters or the next book.

The ending has come and I cried a little bit this chapter, especially the last few sentences because I knew...this was the end. The end of The Mafia and His Angel.

We have come such a long way. Very long actually. Months of writing and reading. And trust me, it wouldn't have been possible without your unconditional and never ending love and support.

I never wanted this story to end. Aylessio, this couple is so very close to my heart. And right now my heart is aching.

But this is NOT the end. It's not. There is still so much more planned for our mafia men and their lovely yet crazy women.

It's about to get interesting so keep reading!

First of all, I want to say that this book was LONG! Why? Because it is actually TWO BOOKS IN ONE! I combined them together so that you didn't have to chase the other book on my profile.

So book 1 is prologue – chapter 32.

Book 2 is chapter 33 – epilogue.

Some chapters have been REALLY EXTENDED. On reader's demand of course. For example, the epilogue. It was SUPER LONG...because well its extended. Lots of things happened.


There will be five books in total (What I have planned for far. There might be even more later).

The first two book are of course TMAHA. And then the third, which will be coming very soon.


Now let's go through some answers.

No it is NOT Aylessio's story.

Whose story is it?

Well this is a surprise. I'm not going to tell. You will find out after 3 chapters into the book.

It could be Viktor's, Nikolay's or Phoenix's story. Either one of them.

Who do you think it is?

With that said, YES all of them will get a book. Hence why its five books planned, in total, so far. Except if I end up killing one of them. It's possible...I tend to go crazy sometimes.

Now that's out of the way, let me say something.

This could be a bad news but a good news too?

I won't start writing the third book until DECEMBER.

But wait...don't worry. Something else is waiting for you.

While waiting for December, you will be getting THREE SHORT STORIES from me.

They will be posted in this book (TMAHA), so that you don't have to go looking for them.

1) His Angel (Lyov's and Maria's story)

2) His Obsession (Isaak's and Leila's story)

3) Tainted Darkness (Ayla's and Alberto's story)

Each short story will be anywhere from 6 to 10 chapters long.

Yes Ayla and Alberto will get a story. It will be about her time with him before she escaped. How everything started.

After those three short stories (they aren't really part of the series...just bonus stories), I will start the THIRD BOOK! YAY!

Who is excited? I know I am...he is someone everyone loves. And his story is going to be epic too!

Are you worried that this is the end of Aylessio?

Well don't be because IT IS NOT THE END.



What you ask?

Well, their story will continue in the next book. Yes, they won't the main characters anymore but they will be the secondary couple. You will still see them often...and YOU WILL STILL GET THEIR POV.

Aylessio will be the ONLY couple whose POV you will still get through out the series. Their story will continue although they won't technically be the main couple.

I hope that's an amazing news for all Aylessio's fans.

Another happy news....

I WILL BE POSTING BONUS/EXTRA CHAPTERS EVERY NOW AND THEN! It could be anything about Aylessio's life. For example, the birthing scene from Alessio's pov or wedding scene from his pov. Or Viktor's pov about something. Anything is game.

So stay tuned...because there is so much coming your way. Just because I wrote the epilogue, it does not mean it's the end!

I'm not ready to say my final good byes yet...and I know you aren't either.

I think that's pretty much it for now.

I do have some other very INTERESTING news for y'all and I will let you know very soon!

Lovelies, do not take this book out of your library. Because all the other updates will be on here. Whether its the bonus chapters or the three short stories. They will all be posted in this book.

I want to thank everyone a thousand times for your support and love. Seriously, you guys make me the happiest and my heart flutters all the time.

Thank you thank you.

Every single one of you is amazing and I am so grateful for all of you. The Mafia and His Angel is so close to my heart and I am so happy that you guys love it just as much. Thank you for reading till the end and staying with me for this epic journey.

Aylessio is a part of us...and trust me...they aren't going anywhere any time soon.

Long live Ayla and Alessio Ivanshov.

The Ivanshov gang is not saying Good bye. Because they will be coming back soon with a huge bang!

If you want to connect with me, follow me on

Twitter: @AuthorLy_James

Instagram: @AuthorLylahJames

Facebook group: The Mafia and His Angel therapy group (I am very active there)

Or you can email me:

Lots of love, Lylah xoxo

The Mafia And His Angel (Tainted Hearts, #1,2&3) (PREVIEW ONLY)Where stories live. Discover now