Paperbacks and Signed paperbacks

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PAPERBACKS ARE NOW LIVE ON AMAZON! You heard that right! Paperbacks are now available on amazon. This what we all have been waiting for. I am so excited. Go go go, lovelies *sobs*

The link can be found in my bio!

Annnnnd another good news. SIGNED paperbacks are also available. Link is also available in my bio.

I know many of you are excited about The Mafia and His Angel, I am too! But if you've got some time, don't forget to leave your reviews on amazon! And goodreads. Reviews are what makes an author's life go around. *pouts* So, lovelies - write a quick or long review and make me happy, aye?

I have been getting so many questions, so I want to answer them here. Much easier.

Where is TMAHA: Part 1 available?

ONLY on amazon. You won't find it else where. You can purchase (both ebooks and paperbacks) only from amazon. To read ebook, you can download the kindle app on your phone. 

If for some reason, you can't download kindle app because it's not available in your country, no worries - you can read it on kindle cloud reader which can be access with the web (just open google and search it up. You need an amazon account. Buy the book and have it delivered to your kindle cloud reader).

Ebook/paperback is not available for me. How can I get it?

Ebook and paperback are available for everyone! As long as you have access to an amazon account, you should be able to buy it. If you are trying to buy the ebook from your phone, maybe that's the problem. Some times, you need to do it through your laptop/computer and have it delivered to your kindle app.

The only problem is that some countries does sensor items and Amazon can't ship it then. You can double check but I hope that's not the case and you can get the book.

I bought the ebook but I only got the sample. Where is my book?

You will have to contact Amazon for that, lovely. I can't help you with that. A few of you have contacted Amazon and have been helped quickly :) So if you are having trouble, shoot them a message and hopefully you are helped.

When can I get part 2 and part 3?

No confirmed release dates yet. But soon! Within a month or so between books *wink wink nudge nudge*

Why are signed paperbacks so expensive?

First of all, I am so sad about the price too. But because the fact that TMAHA: Part 1 is so long (over 100k words and over 470 pages), the shipping cost is a lot for me. I have to buy the book, ship it to me, signed and then ship it to YOU. Shipping cost is calculated on weight of the item. Because the book is heavier, that means shipping cost is more. Unfortunately. 

Are you making a lot of profits on signed paperbacks? Is that why it's so expensive? What a rip-off (Yup. Believe it or not, people asked me this question. smfh. Let me straighten my crown, lovelies. I got some people to deal with)

No. I am not making any profits actually. Believe it or not. I am charging you exactly what it's costing me to ship it to you. Because I am being nice and don't want to charge you more. The cost is already expensive enough. 

Will part 2 and part 3 signed paperbacks be the same price?

No. Because part 2 and part 3 are shorter, comparing to part 1 - signed paperbacks for those will be so much more less expensive. 

I guess that's everything? I have tried to answer the most common questions. But if you have something else in mind - comment and let me know. I hope to get to you soon. If I don't reply, then my apologies. I am seriously drowning in comments and messages. I CAN NOT get back to every thousands of you. So please be patient. I am trying to make posts and messages that address everyone at once instead of replying to every single messages/posts

I still can't thank you enough for making TMAHA have such a great release date. I was seriously astonished by the amount of support and love. You left me in awe and speechless. Thank you, lovelies. I can't wait until we are holding the book in our hands. Don't forget to post a picture! I wanna see. Instagram or twitter or FB. I will post mine when I have it too. Hell, maybe I will do a LIVE  CHAT on IG, when I am opening the boxes for the first time!

I also have a new FB group that's up and running! That's the only place you can contact me through FB right now.  You can also find me on my Author FB page! And my website. All links are in my bio, lovelies. 

Lots of love, Lylah xoxo

The Mafia And His Angel (Tainted Hearts, #1,2&3) (PREVIEW ONLY)Where stories live. Discover now