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"Ang! Come pour me a drink?" Nash yells as he surrounds himself with girls, i nod and grab the ciroc and head over to him.
"Thanks babe." He says with a wink and a kiss on the cheek, i nod and roll my eyes walking back.
"You really shouldn't take his shit, i mean look at him" Andrea pauses and i look over at him making out with one of the girls dancing with him.
"I only do it for my parents, they think he's a good kid because his parents have money." I roll my eyes looking down at my shoes.
"Yeah says the one." She chuckles sipping her martini, i gape my mouth slightly open and punch her softly making her drink tilt and spill on a near by partier.
"What the fuck?" The guy looks up and Andrea widens her eyes.
"Andrea?" The guy asks and she pulls me away and out of the kitchen.
"Was that who i think it was?" i ask her while we shove through the crowded apartment, we run in the elevator and go up.
"That was Kian wasn't it?" i ask her with a little cheer in my voice.
"No! And even if it was we're never going to see him again after this so whatever." She shrugs and i shake my head patting down my skirt.
"Wanna skip this lame party and go have dinner at Lá Alafor?" Andrea asks me, i shake my head and smile.
"I'm having fun, you should too, maybe with Mr.Lawley." i smirk and she turns away.
the elevator opens to another floor full of partiers where andrea finds her boy toy and sneaks off without me.
"Angelica Wents? Is that you?" i hear a deep voice call me over the somewhat loud music, i look around and spot a almost familiar face coming to me.
"It's me Sam!" He says slurred, probably from alcohol, he was always at a party.
"Sam? As in my old babysitter Samuel Wilkinson?" I ask him chuckling, he nods and we hug.
"Wow you are so grown up!" He exclaims taking himself back and looking me up and down, i blush by his words and thank him, Sam is a lot older than me, i mean he's already in college as a junior, meanwhile i'm a sophomore in high school.
"I seriously can't believe this, do you wanna have a drink with me?" He asks me as a server slides by, he grabs to drinks of champagne off of her platter and smiles gently at her.
"Here we go, now you can have a fun time too." He nods and sips his champagne, i sip mine and nod.
"So has good little girl gone bad?" He asks me, i feel a lump in my throat and shake my head slightly.
"Nope, staying in my parents good graces." I nod, he nods giving me a sly look and chuckles looking down.
"I somehow can't come to see that true. Care to talk? Somewhere not so.. loud?" He says looking around, i nod and he takes my hand, leading me down a long hallway of people.
"Ahh, in here." He smiles and lets me in first, he shuts the door behind him and i find a seat on the bed. he seats himself next to me and smiles a charming smile.
"It's so good to see you" he pauses placing his hand on my leg and carrying it upwards a little, i smile and place my hanging hair behind my ear, "all grown up." he says ending at my upper thigh, i feel a sudden hunger in my stomach and not the kind for food.
"Sam.." he stops me with a kiss, i kiss him back slowly, but i can't help but feeling this is all wrong.
"Wait wait wait." i say pulling away as he begins to try and remove my clothing.
"Was i wrong? is good little girl still there?" he asks provoking me, he knows what he's doing, he did this before, but this time he doesn't know how i'll react, no he really doesn't.
i smirk and stand up, i stride over to the door and press the lock in, i turn back to him and he smirks back at me, we meet in the middle quickly with a heated kiss. he quickly starts to remove my shirt, and off i go with his, i push him back until he lands on the bed and smirk.
"there's no good girl here babe, i've got problems." i shake my head and he smirks, i wink and fall on top of him.

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