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i wake up hungover, i sit up slowly removing nash's hand off of me, i get up and walk to bathroom, i run the shower and take my hair down and my clothes off.
"You're not gonna invite me?" Nash says at the doorway, scaring me.
"No." i lowly comment and fumble with my hairbrush.
"I know what you did, you slut." He storms over to me and grabs my hair roughly, i shriek in pain and he holds his hand over my mouth.
"You cheated on me, you're disgusting." He whispers in my ear and throws me to the ground, i cry in my arm and he walks out.
"I fucking hate you!" i shout out in the silent bathroom, i gather myself and get in the shower.

"Angelica, you stayed over last night?" Nash's mom asks me as i come down the stairs, i look up and smile nodding.
"Well you know where breakfast is." She nods smiling, i smile back and head into the dining room.
"Babe, good morning." Nash smiles, across from him sits his dad, he looks up and smiles at me.
"Good to have you Angelica." He smiles at me, i nod and sit beside Nash, he leans over and kisses my cheek, i smile and Richard, the butler, brings me a plate of food.
"Yum, seems the cook had you in mind baby." Nash smiles looking down at my plate, i glance at him and he smirks and winks, i shake my head slightly and begin eating the pancake with my name on it.
It's no question Nash did this, i'm just wondering why. We all finish breakfast, with the casual rich people small talk, i grab my book bag and walk to the elevator.
"Wait up babygirl." Nash says grabbing his bag, slinging it on his shoulder and straightening his tie, i walk in the elevator, he follows and it closes.
"Why are you acting nice, when all you do is hurt me." i ask him and he looks at me with sad eyes.
"I got mad, baby please forgive me." He says grabbing my hand, i look down and he takes his hand and lifts my head up.
"You cheated on me." He says with a sad tone and i scoff.
"You always cheat on me!" i yell, he brings his hand up and slaps me harder than he ever has.
"No i do not!" He yells in my face, i feel hot tears sting my face and the elevator dings, i quickly wipe away the tears and he walks out, i follow and try to recover from what just happened.
"Angelica!" I hear Andrea shout, i turn and her smile dies into a frown when she sees my face.
"That dick." She mumbles, i shake my head and she grabs my hand and storms out with me.
"Hey Nash!" Andrea yells and i whisper for her to stop.
"You fucking douche." She says when he faces her, she pulls her arm back quickly and swings at his pretty little face. I gasp and everyone watches him stumble back, a couple of other girls gasp as well. Andrea looks around and grabs my hand again, we begin to walk to school, i look back and see Nash staring at me, i smile looking down and continue walking.

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