Chapter 44

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Dead silence.

That's all I hear.

The event was still in full swing and the music was as lively as ever.

But I heard none of it, especially after Alexander's announcement.

Everything around me sounded distorted but the look of shock clearly shown on Sam's face is as clear as day.

He even seemed speechless.

As did everyone else.

"Well," continues Bill, his voice slowly coming back into proper orientation.

"Congratulations Alexander, I'm happy for you, the both of you." He says looking at me as well.

Alexander stiffly nods while I still stand there, mouth gaping, eyes wide.

"Why doesn't she have a ring on her finger." Calls out Sam, finally regaining his composure, or well trying to.

"We uh," Alexander begins but stops, looking down at me with emotionless eyes.

"We wanted it to be a private ordeal." I finally say out loud.

All eyes turn to me while Alexander remains quite, his arm tightly wrapping itself around my waist.

He was the one that freaking started this whole thing, why the hell isn't he doing anything?

Trying to get out of his hold, while making sure it wasn't too noticeable to be questioning, Alexander finally lets me go.

David steps forward and announces in a clear voice for people to join him for a drink.

Basically telling everyone that the show was over.

Sam still stood there as he looked from Alexander to me before finally sighing in what I guess was defeat.

Looking at Alexander once more, he pushes past the security men in suits, whom had quietly shown up during Alexander's announcement, and headed for the entrance to leave.

"Alexander?" I call out while he shakes his head at me and goes after his father, leaving me to stare after him.

"Well that was intense." Says Stella in amusement.

Abby throws Stella a sharp look while I timidly smile back.

Feeling a whole multitude of emotions.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I say weakly.

"We'll be right here." Replies back Abby assuringly.

Smiling at her once more, I make my way to the restroom.

Reaching the restroom, I lean against the sink and take a deep breath.

Everything was so intense and bewildering.

Apparently I'm engaged now, I think wryly.

Laughing out nervously, I look around for a tissue, finding one I lightly wet it and rub it against the corner of my eyes.

The sweat that had formed under all those intense stares had me worried for my makeup but luckily nothing had run.

Only Alexander was capable of doing that.

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