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IT IS THE MIDDLE OF OCTOBER, and as the Hogwarts grounds grow colder, so does the inside of the castle. The dungeons are especially brisk, making dreary classes like Potions even worse than they already are. Any students who aren't Slytherins are just thankful they don't have to live down there, and stick to the warmth of their respective common rooms as much as possible.

     Estelle is, indeed, a Dumont—hailing from southern France, they detest the cold. You would think she's used to it by now, on account of her being born and raised in Great Britain. It's quite the opposite, actually. She and cold weather simply don't mix. And now that it's cold inside the castle too, she is absolutely miserable.

     It's a shame that coats aren't a part of her uniform.

     As Piper wakes her one morning, poking her repeatedly, she does her best to ignore her best friend and go back to sleep. Her bed is so warm and soft and frankly, she doesn't understand why she has to leave it. If her godmother wasn't a professor and she wasn't terrified of receiving detention, she would choose to skip class and stay in bed all day. But in the words of her mother, "Sleeping in is for Sundays and Sundays only."

     She hates that.

     "Quit looking at your pillow like it's the love of your life," Piper says, trying to lift her friend's arms. "This needs to stop, Elle."

     The brunette groans loudly, "But my bed's so warm! Give me sleep, or give me death!"

     "Calm down, Patrick Henry."

     Piper's mum, a muggle, was born in America. She moved to England when she was 16 and fell in love with Sam Wilkes, Piper's father, who was a half-blood wizard working as an obliviator at the time. On account of her mixed nationalities, Piper knows American History better than she knows History of Magic, and references to her mother's homeland constantly. At least it was relevant this time.

      "Just get up," Piper begs, sighing in frustration. Estelle takes it upon herself to throw a spare pillow at her, and being Piper, the redhead throws it right back at her. Estelle merely growls and shoves her best friend as she drags herself out of bed and stalks away to the bathroom to change.

     She takes her time in putting on her uniform, in a deliberate effort to make Piper angry and impatient as payback for waking her up in the first place. She never wakes up before 7:30 in the morning on her own account, and she had wanted to keep it that way. Now she's cold and tired. How wonderful.

     "If your bitterness causes us to get there too late and all the pancakes are gone, I will strangle you!" Piper shouts from the other side of the door.

     "That's nice. In that case, my ghost will haunt you for the remainder of your days, which you will live out in Azkaban alongside all the crazies and dark wizards. Have fun, Pipes. They won't take a liking to you over there."

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