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IT WAS A NEW WEEK. Since James had landed Barnett in the hospital wing, Estelle found herself spending even more time around her dark-haired best friend—something she didn't think was possible. Between their three classes together, and the fact that any time outside of classes was spent either with him or Piper, she had been seeing plenty of him already. But there was something about knowing how he stood up for her that made her want to be around him even more. It wasn't something they discussed, more so it just happened. He had become more protective of her, too, and it was becoming rare for them to be found outside of each other's company.

Today, Estelle and Piper sit at Gryffindor table, with the Marauders next to Elle and Marlene and Lily on the other side of Piper. Lily looks ready to explode from being so close to James (which isn't that close at all), and it's taking all of Piper's self-restraint to not comment on it. She just sends a pointed look to Estelle, who stifles a laugh with her hand. Lily's over-the-top hatred for James is becoming comical to them, especially as he continued to establish himself as one of Estelle's favorite people. Even Piper has to admit that he's growing on her.

"Where's Edan?" Peter asks Estelle once they've finished eating dinner, settling into a conversation.

"I think he's in his room. He said to me earlier that he probably wouldn't see me at dinner because he had to finish an essay for Potions." Estelle answers, sending Peter a small smile. "I wish he'd complete his homework in a more timely manner. Maybe then I'd get to see him for longer than ten minutes at a time."

"Is he doing better with Potions?" James asks, head resting on his hand. His genuine interest and concern warms Estelle's heart as she nods.

"Yeah, he is. The essay is extra credit, he's trying to get back on Slughorn's good side."

"I hope that works out for him. Being on Slughorn's bad side sucks," Remus chuckles from across the table, turning to Sirius, who sits next to him. "Padfoot here would know."

"Hardy har har," Sirius says monotonously, rolling his eyes. "It's not my fault dear Horace prefers my brother to me,"

"It kind of is. You've caused four explosions in his class in the past few years, and only one of them was unintentional." Remus retorts.

Sirius frowns, leaning towards Remus so that their faces are inches apart. Remus' eyes widen for a moment, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, and Estelle tries to hold back a smile. She makes a note to see Remus one-on-one at some point this week, because she thinks they have much to discuss.

Sirius pulls away after a few moments, laughing. "Moony! I wasn't gonna hurt you, you didn't need to be so scared!"

"I wasn't scared," Remus corrects, quietly enough that Sirius doesn't hear him over his own laughter. Estelle does, though. She sends a knowing look Remus' way and he rolls his eyes in response, turning away from her and focusing his attention elsewhere.

Estelle feels someone poking her side, so she turns to see a puzzled James, frowning at her. "What was that all about?"

"Oh, you wouldn't understand. I'll tell you when you're older," she whispers with a gentle pat to his shoulder.

"I'm older than you!"

"By a month, dunderhead. Can't really use that against me."

"Why not? Sirius does it all the time!"

"Ah, but you see," Sirius interjects, holding up his hand. "I was born in an entirely different year from the rest of you lot. People born in 1960? Babies, practically. I, on the other hand, am proud to say that I was born in 1959. I'm older, wiser, and more experienced than all of you."

"With that logic, you'll die before the rest of us too," Remus grunts.

"That's only if the war doesn't kill us all first." Marlene says, causing everyone to look up at her. Next to her, Lily frowns, knowing that she, more than anyone, stands to lose the most from this war. Her family, her own life—simply for being born to muggle parents.

An arm wraps itself around Estelle's shoulders as she feels herself start to sink, turning to see James pulling her into his side. She doesn't say thank you, both of them remaining silent as she rests her head on his shoulder, the entire group now grappling with the weight of the war. Estelle has already felt its effects, knowing how deeply Grayson Thatcher and his decision to choose the dark arts over love and over Elliott has hurt her family.

The silence that falls over the group for the next few minutes is painful to sit through, no one daring to speak. They've all seen the headlines in the papers, wizard and muggle alike, detailing the murders of random people all throughout the country. Only, the Wizarding World knows why people are dying, and they know who's doing it. The muggles are left in the dark, with no leads and no understanding of why in God's name there's a black skull in the sky above every house where someone has fallen prey to these attacks.

Estelle tries not to, but sometimes she finds herself wondering how many of these attacks Gray has been a part of. How many innocent people has he watched die? How many innocent people has he himself killed? If she found herself face to face with him again, what would he do to her?

She doubts that any loyalty Gray may have once felt to the Dumonts has remained. To him, they are non pure, they are blood traitors. They are the enemy.

"Do you really think we're all going to die?" It's Peter who breaks the silence, looking at his friends with what can only be described as fear in his eyes. Estelle watches as Remus reaches across the table, resting his hand on Peter's arm.

"I certainly hope not, but nothing is certain. We have to protect each other and look out for each other, always."

     "Always," James nods, brushing his thumb against the top of Estelle's arm.

"We are a world at war," Piper says, "to ignore that would be stupid. Every war has casualties. To ignore that would also be stupid. People we know are going to die, but holy fuck, I really hope it's none of you." She has tears in her eyes, but she blinks them back. "You all fucking annoy me, but I still love you all. Even you four bozos," she admits, nodding in the direction of the Marauders. Despite herself, Estelle lets out a sad laugh.

"I'm glad they're growing on you." she says, smiling at her best friend.

"I blame you," Piper says back, but she smiles too.

James squeezes Estelle's shoulder, looking over the group. "We're all gonna be okay."

emma speaks!

hey...hey...how y'all doing...i know i'm actually the worst for not updating in three (almost four) months AGAIN...i've been a little bit busy delving back into the atla fandom and also miraculous ladybug 😳 adrienette fics hit different, okay?

anyways. i hope you've all been doing well during quarantine amidst the pandemic and that you're all safe and happy! what has everyone been doing to keep themselves busy?

i hope you all enjoyed this update, i know it's short but i wanted to update as soon as possible! more to come soon, i promise.

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