part 14 (full update)

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CHAPTER - 14 [Full update ]
When you truly love someone ...
You give everything you can and never expect anything ....
We've all had those time or moment that we'll never talk about again , but never forget...
Flash Back :-
"Why are you overreacting Nandini ? we were just having fun. That boy was really handsome. And about your dad , he was old enough man..." said Navya casually .
Nandini was shocked . she can't believe that it was her same best friend from whom she used to fight with her family...
She felt betrayed . how could this bitch say some thing like this about her father ...
How on earth she able to stand in front of Nandini ! her aunt was right , she was a shameless girl ....
" you were sleeping with my fiancé ..." Nandini said with so much hated that Navya looked at her shocked ....
" then I must say am lucky to test him before you . what's the big d..." she was saying a wicked smile recovering the shock but got a slap from Nandini...
" never ever came in front of me or my life. If you , I swear , I'll make your life a living hell ..." Nandini said very dangerously " now I understand why your parents never wants you , cause you don't deserve that ..." she added with disgust ...
Flash back end ........
" so the sult is back to make my life hell ? huh ? oh no no? you already make it hell.. ." Nandini said with a smirk , her eyes were burning with anger....
" how dare you !?" Navya tried to slap her back. She was nervous ... but a hand hold her hand .
It was Nandini's Aunt...
Whole Malhotra family and she came on spot when Nandini slapped Navya..
" don't you dare to touch my daughter .." aunt said " we have had enough of you...why you came back in our life after hurting her 3 years ago ??" she added.
All this years my aunt saw me how I suffered because of this bitch ...though sh don't know the reason...
" Aunt , because of them Manik is in danger ..." I said pointing that unknown boy and Navya .
" Cabir !!..." we all heard Mrs. Malhotra's voice...
So that boy is Cabir ??
" so it was you and your precious wife who did this to my son..?" she asked Cabir angrily.
There were sadness , anger , hurt in her eyes...I heard from Mukt be fore that Manik's mother and Cabir were really close. She always loved her like she do to Manik...
It's hurt to see someone close going away fore a unknown one...
" am so sorry .... Please...." Cabir said crying ..
Mrs. Malhotra was about to say something but cut by Mr. Malhotra...
" Neonika , don't get stress up here. It's not good for your health..."Mr. Malhotra tried to clam her.
" please ! don't blame Cabir, I was driving the car..." Navya said ...
" of course you were ... only a person like you can always hurt me and my close once..." I said ...
" I don't believe this Cabir that you leave us all for this girl ... why you do this ? I really regret inviting you... " this time it was Mukti who bust out in anger...
" excuse me?" we all heard a voice and saw a doctor and nurse...
" I guss you are a paisent mss..." that doctor said eying my band aid leg and arm... " you need rest..." he added...
" oh dear !!?" My aunt said hugging me hard...
" lets go Nandini ... you need rest ..." Aliya said all concerned ...
" but Manik??" I said urgently....
" oh the another one needs A(-) blood which he lost a lot..." the doctor said this time. "we have that in the blood bank but I'll suggest fresh blood as he has a little alargi can gets worse ..." he finished and looked at us...
" my blood is same as his , please take mine." Cabir said in a sudden voice ...
" no . Never... I'll never let this happened. ..." Mrs. Malhotra said " Aliya honey , your blood is also same as Manik's , right?" she said looking at Aliya ..
" yes mom... lets go doctor. I'll give the blood..."She said in a hurry ...
Navya's story ::--
3 years ago-
After 2 months of fight with Nandini , Navya complete her study at higher school she shift to toronto , a busy city of Canada ...
As a Indian beauty , she was kidnaped by a NGO of human trafficking ...
They sent her with a group of girls to Italy ...
Somehow Navya manage to escaped from there but by then she was totally broken...
When she was escaping , she got in to a accident with Cabir's car .
Than he happed her as she went in a mental shock ... mentaly depressed ...
She used get panic attract .
With Cabir's help she started healing but after a month they got a big shock .
Navya was pregnant ... but there were no one for her ... so he marry her and went to south Korea... where they start there new life...
Navya were afraid from unknown people and she was also afraid that if they went to India , Cabir will leave her... because of her past...
Cabir was always a best father for her daughter Mahi...
He love her like anything ... protect her ...
Navya never told her about Nandini ...
She afraid and angry at Nandini...
angry cause for a boy she leave her best friend ...
and afraid that if Cabir got to know about her pat deed , he will leave her and hate her....
Cause she was fallen in love with cabir...

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