Ch 23- "Why Me, Lord"

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By the time she had looked at her phone for the hundredth time without as much as a bleep from Warren, she was angry. It was a good thing she hadn't cancelled on Austin. Someone needed to distract her from the tragedy that was her life. When did she become a girl waiting by a phone? 

Austin picked her up right on time. She went with a tank dress, teal in color and full skirted with sling back sandals. She didn't want to seem overdone so she wore her hair down and curled. She thought about lipstick but didn't want to come off as 'the girl who called it not a date but was ready for a date', so she just applied a gloss in pink blush.

She couldn't help being surprised when he showed up for their non date in cargo shorts and a loose button down shirt with boat shoes. No socks. Hayden couldn't help wonder what on earth he was planning to wear something so casual, but she put on her grin and checked her phone one last time before clicking the door shut. Tonight she'd take Angie's advice and live in the moment.

They got into his low riding army green jeep and lurched forward on to adventure. Hayden couldn't help watch his profile as he drove. Unlike Warren he had very fair skin. Light hair and no dimples in sight. His face was clean shaven but Hayden would bet he didn't have to shave too often. He was young. 

It suddenly hit her that she was young too. In fact, they were probably about the same age. Maybe it would actually be a relief to find out what she'd be doing if she were dating someone her own age, and a struggling student at that!  She relaxed in the passenger seat snd let the wind blow her worries out the window.

They pulled up to a beach with a roaring bonfire and lots of bodies in motion around it. There was a volleyball net set up and a bbq with smoke pouring out the top. As Austin got out of the jeep he gave some sort of tribal yell and the males in the bunch answered back with their own.

When he got to the trunk and started taking out a large cooler Hayden realized he wouldn't be opening the door for her and let herself out. Spoiled brat! She scolded herself. She grabbed the other end of the cooler and walked down the beach toward the flames.

Together they set down the cooler and when it was opened he gave a "whoop" and everyone had gathered for drinks. He grabbed her limp hand in his and held it up high.

"This is Hayden. She's my date. Be nice to her, or I'll kick your asses."

The group laughed and bottles clanked together in hellos. It wasn't long before a group of girls in bikini's made their way toward Hayden.

"Phi Beta Pho?" The leggy blonde who looked like she spent her days in the sun and her nights in a tanning bed asked.

Hayden waited for the translation. With a annoyed sigh the smaller breasted brunette gave the definition.

"Are you from the school?  Are you pledging?"

Hayden shook her head and changed her mind about not having a drink and quickly kept her hands busy peeling of its damp label.

"Nope. Just Hayden. Currently not a student, I actually already have a degree, in art."

She didn't bother telling them it was community college, or ask any of them their majors. She felt like a goldfish in a piranha tank and scanned the crowd for Austin.

"Don't bother looking, he'll be busy for the next thirty minutes on the field. Tradition. Winner takes the bottles from the whole night, loser picks them all up and hands them over."

Just then she heard the slapping of the ball as Austin and another muscular body grunted their way toward a title where the crown was a bag of Sandy bottles. She reached into her purse and checked her phone. Nothing.

Suddenly her heart hurt. This wasn't the date she wanted, and she had done her best to give it a shot. She'd ended up on a date with a meat head and this far from the resort she'd never get back alone. She walked the shore line and looked for shells in the pink haze of dusk.

When she made her way back Austin was waiting, arms open, and a big smile plastered on his face.  She swallowed her negative attitude and smiled back.

"You won?" She asked as he reached for her hand.

"Of course. Three years in a row. It pushes the newbies harder if they have to work at it. Ready to go now?  Oh, and I can I stop at my house and shower and change before dinner?  I'm a mess and sand is truly where the sun don't shine!"

She looked at him blankly. "This isn't our date?"

He laughed, a deep belly laugh and swung her hand up towards the sky.

"What? Of course not. You think I'm a Neanderthal?  This is fraternity obligation. It's a yearly thing and there's no getting out of it unless you're dying. Let's go!"

They drove through the dark and Austin shared his love of all things animal. Hayden loved the conversation and his passion for making the island better for all things was endearing. He bubbled like a brook when he spoke of his vision for a clinic of his own and Hayden loved it.

The car slowed down and pulled up to a house right on the beach strung with lights all lit up like Christmas. There was a long winding deck attached around the place and soft solar lanterns lined the railings. Under the light of the moon, with the reflections on the water casting twinkles and the Christmas lights blinking back, Hayden found it breathtaking.

"You live here?  Alone?" She gasped.

He looked out the window and nodded. " This is usually where I lie and tell everyone I'm being the caretaker for a family friend who won the lotto. But I won't do that to you. My parents bought it for me so I wouldn't have to live in squalor while getting through school."

Hayden jumped from the car and skipped up to the deck where a large fan swung blowing the cool salty wind on her face.

"It's gorgeous!  I love it. You're family must be so proud of you!" She said.

He stood beside her and slid his finger up her shoulder before reaching for the door.

"Not really," he said. "My dads a vet. Well, cardiovascular surgeon for animals. I'm still gonna be a lesser vet, but I'll be way happier."

Hayden followed him into the house and felt herself stifle a scream as a giant rainbow colored bird perched itself right on top of her head.

You thought Austin was gonna be a jerk didn't you?  Me too. Except he isn't. He's a great guy with passion for animals and all things beautiful. Not sure about the bird though! 

Elvis released "Why Me, Lord" in 1974. Yes I was alive. No I don't remember the song 😂😂😂

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