First Dream

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A/N - This is the first dream that I remember having. Remember, all of these dreams are vivid so they felt real to me but I knew that they were dreams. For these chapters, I'm just going to jump right in to the dream instead of be like 'Hey, I had a dream and this is how they went.' No, these are going to be like stories that I dreamed of. Yes, I did add a few comments that I had the next morning when I woke up. So here goes......

It was a beautiful evening. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. There was a low, cool breeze blowing through the trees and grass. A perfect day for me to walk through the fucking forest that's like a 100 miles away from my home where I would be safe and sound. No, let me walk through the forest where anything can happen. And something did happen.

As I was walking, enjoying the sunlight and breeze, I looked to the sky and saw something like a comet headed right towards me. I didn't move, just stared at it like the fucking idiot that I was because YOLO.

The comet barely missed me on it's diagonal path to the earth. I watched as it skidded across the ground before finally making an impact causing a crater to form. A brown hole surround by green grass with a little comet in the middle. I walked over to the crater and climbed down before making my way to the comet.

As I stood there observing the comet, a small opening appeared in the front of the comet and a small green blob spilled out of the comet. Curious to what it was, i grabbed a stick and started to poke the green blob. Suddenly, it sprouted a nose mouth, eyes and some eyebrows. Its eyebrows knitted together in anger but I continued to poke it with the stick. ~I advise you not to poke any living thing from outer space with a stick. You might upset them.~ Suddenly, it let out a screech. Not high enough to hurt your ears but enough to let you know that you are pissing the little green creature off.

Then an idea came to mind. Why don't I take this little fucker who hates me home with me? Hey, I didn't say I was that smart. So, I picked the little green alien up and it growled at me but I didn't worry about it. I started to make my way home with this little shit head that I pissed off.

When I got home, I set the alien down on the dining table. Ariel, my sister came into the dining room and feel in love at the sight of the green alien. She started to pet it and speak to it like it was a cat and it even started to purr like I cat. I decided to go to my room so I walked passed them. As I walked to the stairs, I heard a screech from the alien on the table. I turned around.

Suddenly, as an ant and roach was crawling against the floor, they started to glow green and grow. They grew until they were human sized. Then the alien said something in its foreign language. When it was done talking, the ant and roach turned back towards me and started coming after me. I screamed and ran upstairs and into my room. ~Just letting you know that when I ran into the room, I did not close the door behind me so... yeah~ I crawled under my bed and listened as they made their way up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom.

As they entered, they got low to the ground and started to slowly crawl towards me. I started crying because they were trying to kill me and I didn't want to die. I started slapping myself, telling myself to wake up and that it was all just a dream but I couldn't wake up. The ant and roach kept getting closer and closer as I tried to wake myself. Then they reached our their hands towards me. Trying to grab me and pull me out from underneath the bed. Before they could reach me, I woke up.

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