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A/N - I don't remember what the guys look like so they will be labeled as guy #1, guy #2 and so on. Enjoy.

I was walking around school, looking for the bathroom. It was too early to be in this hell-hole. Why did we even have to come to school this early? Whatever. I make it to the bathroom but before I could walk into a stall, I noticed a black mass (I don't know how to describe it.) floating out of the sink.

I pulled a little spray bottle of holy water that I just so happened to have out of my pocket and spray it. It made a gurgling sound before it retreated back into the sink. I knew it was some type of monster but I didn't know what it was. I had to hurry and get everybody else out of the school before this monster attacks.

I ran out of the bathroom and made my way down the hallway before coming across a fire alarm pully thingy (I don't know what it's called.) and pulled down the lever. The fire alarm went off and everybody started to scream and run out of the school.

Apparently, the school is on an elevated ground because there was 5 levels of stairs that everybody had to get down. As everybody pooled around the bottom, I stood before them.

"There is monster within the school," I informed them. Most people started laughing and calling me crazy. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I might be crazy, but at least let me go in and clear it out before you go back in. If there is anybody who will come with, I will appreciate the help." Nobody stepped forward. It didn't really matter to me.

When I noticed that nobody was going to come with me, I turned and made my way back up the stairs to the school. That's when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head and saw 5 guys following behind me. I didn't say anything, I just made my way up the stairs to the school.

When we made it in the school, I turned towards the guys and gave them each their own little spray bottle of holy water that I just so happen to have in my pockets.

"Use these. The monsters can't stand it and it will keep them at bay until we find out how to defeat them," I said. Then we made our way to the basement since I noticed that the monster came from the pipes.

We walked down the stairs to what looked like a room with carpet. There was a bathroom and what looked like a stable with hay. I don't know why we had that since we didn't have horses. There was also more stairs that lead down into the basement. We made our way to the bathroom. Inside, there was a black mass coming from the sinks. One of the guys walked forward and sprayed it. It went back into the faucet. Then we walked back into the room.

"Okay. The plan is we split up (Dumb idea Anna. You never split up. That's how you die in a horror movie.) into three groups of two. Two of the groups will go down in the basement and split of there and the third one will investigate that stable," I told them. "Guy #1,2,3 and I will go into the basement and guy #2 and 3 will split into their own group to investigate. Guy # 4 and 5 will investigate the stable. When you are done investigating the stable, come to the basement." Then we split up.

When guy #1-3 and I made it to the basement, we split up. The basement was dark and it was hard to see even 3 ft in front of us with a flashlight that we so happened to find in our pocket. Pipes ran along the walls and ceiling and there was what looked like a river that divided the hallway.

As guy #1 and I walked around, he disappeared (And this is why you would die in a horror movie Anna.) and I continued to walked around. As I walked, I came upon this doorway. I looked inside, making sure that I was hidden so they couldn't see me, and I rubbed my eyes before I looked again. Inside was Father along with a few homunculi from the anime, Full-metal Alchemist.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped, slapping my hand over my mouth so that I didn't make a noise. Then I turned around and saw guy #2 and 4 behind me. They had worried looks on their faces.

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