chapter four

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We were laying down on my jacket in the grove.

We had been staring at each other for a while, holding hands. That was an accomplishment for because Grandma is always getting on me about eye contact.

It honestly made me feel like the man.

And this time I walked her home.

The next morning at school was the same thing as the day before.

Kai ignoring me.

And then she ignored me for 3 days.

But Tyler grew some balls and went into the cafeteria to find her.

Yeah, I went into the cafeteria.

I thought I saw at a table in middle of the room filled with her friends, cheerleaders, and some guys from the basketball team. They all grew silent as I approached. I also realized she wasn't there.

"Uh, hi?" I said trying to focus on my Vans and not her snickering friends. "What's up Tyler?" one of Kai's friends smirked at me, then looking at her friends and back at me again.

"Uh, I was wondering where Kai was or if you know wh-.."

"It was just a dare Trevor!" one of her friends shouted at me. I stood there confused and looked back at them.

"What was a dare?" I demanded from them.

"You and Kai. We dared her to date you for two weeks." a tall guy responded and the rest of them laughed.

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