Quiet Reeducation in the dead of the night

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There is a fancied quiet reeducation

Borne by the dying ember flames

In a gaily evening of dull recreations

To which the knocking cloudburst dare pertains


A strange set of ponders came visiting that night

Rapping sharp within the chamber door of my mind

And this began the lesson, a slight shift of vision

By the obsidian visitors out on their mission


The softest glance at a faded polaroid

A swift knowing glare at the ceiling paint

Is my active mind rushing to simple paranoid

Or am I just dumb enough to be a saint?


A plaintive sip at scalding liquid black

To which my unkindly thoughts wish to hack

A finger burns, dipped in the grey shadows

Until in the butter candlelight it mellows


An absentminded stare at the leatherbound book

All tan pages and copper lines and senseless hooks

Yet dare that crepuscular midnight filled with stars

Entertain my empty heart of flurry jagged scars


Those enchanting lights dance fickle and merry

That moon of mirage winking back like a fairy

And doth faithful silence hold my whispered nevermores

Trance frozen till that slipping book falls upon the floor


The whistling train of thought nay stops for rundown stations

Wonderful whimsy intertwining amidst aberrant abominations

Yet, I lean back, sighing, and content my mollified soul with this quiet reeducation

Borne by the dying ember flames, and snuffed out with rest like all my troubling notions.

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