Greatest Treasure

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My mistress's soul hath longed to seek finer fortune winds

Whereupon seeds of chartreuse grass blusters and grows

Akin to the radiant canary sun, her most youthful fair skin

Upon the cherry blossom horizon, glitters finely and glows

Treading tentative upon quaint dotted rhododendron bushes

To fill her wicker basket with the ripest succulent blackberries

Silvery light catches her mellow lemony hair's ringlets tresses

My bonny mistress's efflorescent spirit nay falters nor wearies

Lithe body like a chromatic hummingbird's wings arched in flight

Roses damasked red and rogue on plump lips and flushed cheeks

Serene zephyr doth pass, carrying with its breeze a sound quite

Like the merry Stradivarian laugh that which thy mistress speaks

She flits posthaste, non dither, questing from blossom to nectar

Yet soon my aromantic honeybee learns that life isn't all sweet

When flourishing foliages swiftly wilt, leaving but a tawny scar

And those frigid turbulent rains make her vitality falter and fleet

My mistress doth seeked her fate on the outside world, yet she barely survived

Only to discover, unfortunately, that all that joie de vivre hath but misery belied

My lost mistress shall wander her path home soon, when her heart finally realises

That her greatest treasure sits lone writing her melodies, a bard sending inkstained kisses.

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