Marital Machines

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Tell me now, I know
That it just won't stop
You will find your flow
When you go robot...


For now I'll question what this is about

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

Our system was complex, a tangle of red wires

You refused to be binary, a programmed liar


For now I'll stall my grinding clockwork mouth

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

And I'm s-s-stuttering my computed convictions

When you're switching, wasting my prior restrictions


For now I'll stifle my careful calculated pouts

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

Tongues pour crude oil and sugar, but not a sound

I can sense this l-l-love affair is a battleground


For now I'll withhold all my [g]oogled doubts

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

I'll update you on the latest version of your l-l-lies

And the experts say I don't hurt, just byte


For now, my high voltage CPU overheats a lot

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

My visual goggles seem to be badly leaking

Your accusatory fingers are clicking and p-p-pointing


For now I'll plug into a safer route

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

You were wired with implanted ab-ab-abjudications

You called me nuts and bolted with geared emotions


For now I'll s-s-steal some pixelated 8-bit clouts

Let's talk it out, let's talk it out

Your sloppy affections at the wrong time, the wrong place

I'll retrieve my composure, desire your asphyxiated grace


For now I'll be speaking boldly, volume rising aloud

L-l-let's talk it out, let's talk it out

My word stream is unstable, a data-mosh of praying

Perhaps you'll have the sanctum's version 0.1 aging


For now I'll signal an alarming blowout

Let's talk it out, let's t-t-talk it out

You were electric, and you overloaded my circuits

But technicalities aside, you were but a v-v-virus


For now, for now, you won't backup, and my process is going south

L-l-let's talk it out, let's t-t-talk it out, le-le-let's t-t-talk it o-o-out

Analysis shows I can take your micro cheap tricks no longer

Warning! Data error! System failure! Shut down or recover?


Før nõw,, f()r no;W??!? L!é!t!$! &@±?₱+# 73t's ta-ta-t@lk it o-0üT¿/?+

L3t'ß-leT's, /t/ï/m/ê/s/ [u]p, y-y-yOu're 0101out11010!!??!%-×∆^€¥=ß

wH@t's y0uR fUss-fu$$? w(a)Geπéd @N eAs¥ w1n¿ M~ælFūnçTi0n !im-iMmInNeNt¡

H0n-h.o.n.e.y.-°-°-°1011€{&¢f×n+c=k^¥↑% [ /?DATA RECOVERY FAILURE¿ Please try again_.]

I want to thank you
And spank you upon your silver skin
Robots don't care where I've been
You've got to choose it to use it
So let me plug it in
Robots are my next of kin...

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