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(Didn't realise how little left of the story we had. Anyway, here you go, enjoy!)

Robyn was packing away the last of her belongings in her trunk. Her body ached with grief and her heart felt as if it had just been ripped out of her chest.

If she thought seeing Harry fall for another girl was bad than she had no clue how to describe the pain she was feeling now.

Robyn almost laughed. Oh, how pathetic she had been. She had endured too many sleepless nights, crying silently over a boy and now she had finally woken up.

Looking back on her previous years, she almost wanted to scream out in embarrassment. She had been so childish. So naive.

Now she knew what real pain felt like. Now she knew the real meaning of breaking apart; of suffering.

Robyn closed her trunk with a sigh. She was dreading going back home. She didn't want to listen to her mother sobbing over how she looked. She didn't want to listen to her fathers soft voice asking what happened. She didn't want to hear them say she could never go back to Hogwarts. She didn't want to face her brother, Alex, because she knew she would break down and Robyn didn't want Alex to see that. To she how truly broken she was.

Dark circles hung underneath her dull eyes. They had lost their usual gleam and were constantly ringed with red. Her hair lost its shine due to the fact she hadn't washed it in a few days. Her skin was sallow and she had grown thinner due to the amount of meals she had missed. Overall, she looked like a train wreck.

Robyn heaved her trunk off her bed and took one last look over her dorm room before she would leave for a long break.

She made her way down to the Common Room where she noticed Harry, alone. No one else was in the maroon filled room.

"You okay?" Robyn asked as she sat next to him, knowing the answer; but not really knowing how to comfort him.

Harry took a minute to reply. The silence made Robyn want to cry. It was filled with silent suffering and she hated it.

"I've got to be," Harry sighed while running a hand through his raven hair, making it even more messy. It nearly made Robyn smile. "What about you? How are you coping?"

Robyn smiled slightly, it feeling slightly foreign to her as she hadn't smiled since that day.

Her hand reached up to Harry's hair and tried to flatten a piece that was sticking up a bit too much for her liking.

Robyn let out a single laugh as the piece of hair just jumped back up like a spring. Harry noticed her laugh didn't hold one ounce of happiness. It sounded more like she was hoping to be happy and trying to force it upon herself.

Harry, hating the tingling and burning feeling he was getting from where Robyn's hand made contact with his scalp, reached up and ruffled his hair in hopes to dissolve the problem that was taking up all of Robyn's interest.

Robyn smiled again before retracting her hand, her soft fingers gracing his head accidently, making a shiver run down Harry's spine.

"I'm fine. I'll get through it." Robyn said.

The same heaviness was present in Harry's voice aswell and no one could tell just how much it was affecting them.

"Ready to go back home?" Robyn questioned, making small talk to fill the silence.

"Merlin, no! I hate the very thought of the Dursley's." Harry exclaimed and Robyn mentally facepalmed. Of course Harry hates the Dursley's. Robyn had known that even before her and Harry were friends.

Breaking Apart ; Harry Potter [2] Where stories live. Discover now