Introductions everybody!

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(Y/N) POV~
Hallo. My name is...well you know my name. After all I'm you just...places in a different environment/dimension/alternate universe etc. You know what you look like (so there's no point explaining that) and you know your hobbies/opinions/preferences. Again. No point. So let's begin with you, or in this format, me...but in the place of Scorpion. Let. Us. BEGIN!!!
    I'm (Y/N) and I am 30 years old. I'm an anbiverted which means I can be introverted when I feel like it or I can be extroverted when I feel like it. My hobbies include either me sitting/laying on my bed with some sort of piece of tech or deducing normal people in public and find out their lives by minor details that normal people seem to miss. Oh, did I forget to mention? Of course not. I never forget anything! One of the perks of having a 177 IQ. Also I'm I guess what you call a genius...yay! My intellectual properties consist of making deductions so detailed and on point ,Sherlock would be impressed. Having an honours degree in Chemistry at the age of 15 and (my speciality) being able to speak 69 languages. 57 fluently and 12 kinda fluently. The only ironic thing about that is that every time I meet anyone new I stutter more than Professor Quirll...and that's in english. ENGLISH!! MY MOTHER TOUNGE!!! ;-; I'm a walking irony...OH and I'm a human lie detector...well that's mostly because of my Sherlockian deduction skills but it sounds cooler. Oh! And minor detail. My sister is the Engineering Prodigy, hence why I can never forget...I think. What? I said I was a chemist not a biologist.
   So that is the end of my introduction. Now, let's get on with the story!

Genius is in Short Supply (Walter O'Brien x Reader)(Scorpion) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now