Game Time

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"Ok, team! Gather around!" Suddenly a Sargent like military man voice invaded the calm atmosphere inside of the garage. That's probably because Army Dad arrived...Aka Cabe. Which usually means 'Yay... work.'
   "I got a case for you kiddos concerning a casino in Vegas. The problem is that they have been losing money in the recent months even though their tables have been gaining more customers then pervious years. They'd like you to solve the problem."
"Well this sounds like the least exciting thing in the world" I mumble to myself as I take in every word Cas-CABE  is saying...what I watched Supernatural last night don't judge. It's a really good show.
Any way, as I mumble to myself I couldn't help but see Tobs smiling like an idiot. Walt must've seen it to. "Toby we are not going there for vacation. We are there to work and that's it. I don't want you placing a single bet and any table when we're in Vegas."
Shocked and saddened Toby looked disappointed. "But Walter, this is the one place with people like me! It maybe the apitamy of my gambling problem but it's like putting a fat kid Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory and telling him not to eat any of the candy!"
"There was a fat kid in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory and he was told not to drink from the chocolate river. What did he do? He drank from the river. What happened to him? Well he was so into it he fell into it and almost drowned in his own addiction." I replied back. This was for Toby's well being. If we let Toby have free reign of himself then he may end up losing us money instead of making it. I love the guy, I really do, but this is for your his own good.
Looking at Tobs I pat him on the back since he looked like a kicked puppy. "So are you guys gonna take the case or not?"
"Duh of course. We need the money anyway. Have you seen this place? It's like we're working in a crumbling peice of-"
"Ok sis we get it. It needs renavations​" I had to interupted Happy before she swore infront of the child. Ralph? No he went to school. Who then you ask? "Will there be flying? Please say we're not flying there..."
There he is!
"Ohh poor Sly...Of course...You think we're gonna drive for like two days?"
"Ok it's settled. We leave tomorrow. Pack what you may need for a week. See you tomorrow!" And with that Army Dad left. Well WOOO VEGAS HERE I COME!!!

Genius is in Short Supply (Walter O'Brien x Reader)(Scorpion) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now