Chapter Eighteen: Emma

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Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 18: Emma

After nearly three days, I was finally allowed to take a shower. I had three days of garage grime built up, so I wasn’t sure why Will was so surprised by my hour long shower. He was lucky I hadn’t made it a two hour shower. I didn’t even care that the water was freezing; I was just happy to get cleaned up and finally shave my legs and underarms. I’d found a razor in the bathroom that looked like it was new. God, I hoped it really was new.

Once I was finished, I turned the water off and realized I had two towels but no clothes, and there was no way I was walking out there in nothing but a towel. Will had given me the skimpiest towels ever, most likely on purpose.

“Will!” I yelled, poking my head out of the shower.

I waited a few seconds, but there was no answer.

I tried yelling even louder. “Will! I know you can hear me!”

Finally, the door opened and Will appeared in the doorway. “Yeah?” he asked.

I glanced down, making sure my head was the only thing poking out of the shower. When I was sure I wasn’t accidentally flashing him, I answered. “I need you to bring me some clothes.”

“Hmm…” He trailed off, pretending to be deep in thought. But I knew Will, and I knew there wasn’t anything going on up there. He was just being an ass. “No.”

“Why the hell not?” My patience was at an all-time low that day.

He shrugged. “You’ve got a towel. You can get your own clothes.”



I groaned, letting my head droop down in frustration. My wet, dark hair went in my face and almost went in my mouth, but I didn’t really care at the moment. I was more annoyed than bothered by something as simple as my hair. “So now you decide to grow some balls and quit being my bitch? Godammit.”

“I was never your bitch!”

“Sure you weren’t. Can you please get me some clothes?”

“No, because I’m not your bitch.”

“Oh, for the love of God… Eric!” If Will wasn’t going to get me some clothes, I knew Eric would. He wasn’t as big of a jerk as his brother.

Eric walked through the doorway not long after I shouted for him. “What’s up?”

“Can you get me some clothes? Your brother refuses to help me out.”

“Hey, she has legs,” Will said, shrugging.

“I’m not walking out in a towel so you can creep on me.”

Eric rolled his eyes at Will and then nodded at me. “I’ll go grab you something. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Where the hell would I go?”

Sometimes I wondered if Will was the only idiot around here. Honestly, some of the things Eric said made me wonder.

He didn’t answer; he just left. He came back with a change of clothes and was about to walk in and hand the clothes to me when Will stopped him. “Don’t worry, I can give them to her.”

“Eric, keep your perverted brother away from me.”

Eric shook his head at his brother. “Not happening, man.” He walked over and handed me the clothes, but I shook my head and pointed at the towel. He grabbed the towel and gave it to me, and I disappeared back into the shower to dry myself off.

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