Chapter Twenty-Six: Emma

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A/N: I know I keep saying chapters are my favorites, but seriously, guys... I mean it this time. This chapter is my favorite. 


Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 26: Emma

The downside of being frightened to tears: being frightened to tears. The upside of being frightened to tears: receiving special treatment because the person who scared you felt bad about what they did.

I had a feeling there was a little more to it. I had a feeling Will was trying to sedate me into giving up this war, but I was okay with that.

He pretty much just tiptoed around me all day the next day and tried to make up for what he did. I couldn’t say I was complaining. He brought me breakfast in bed, made me lunch, let me watch the Grey’s Anatomy marathon that came on Lifetime, gave me a back massage, brushed my hair, and basically did anything I asked. It was great. I didn’t even care if he had ulterior motives. I was enjoying this treatment way too much.

Even Eric was abnormally nice to me—and Taylor. She’d gotten mad at him for being Will’s accomplice the other night and gave him the silent treatment for a while. It didn’t take Taylor too long to forgive him. They were back to laughing away at their little inside jokes in no time. Ugh.

After I’d settled into bed around eleven o’clock, I glanced over at Will. “Can you get me a glass of water?”

“On it,” he said, scrambling up off of his makeshift bed on the floor. He passed Taylor on his way out the door.

A smirk fell on my lips. “Told you he was my bitch.”

Taylor giggled and covered her mouth. “I can’t believe he’s actually doing everything you ask. I think—I think he might like you, Emmy.” Her voice turned into a whisper when she voiced this last sentence aloud. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t behind her. He wasn’t.

“More like he’s trying to get on my good side so I won’t do anything to him,” I said with a chuckle. Will didn’t like me; he barely put up with me. The only part of me he was interested in was my looks and that didn’t mean anything to me.

Taylor didn’t get a chance to reply. Will came back with a glass of water in hand and looked between us, as if that would help him figure out what we were talking about. Like we were going to tell him.

“I’m gonna head to bed.” Taylor shot me a look that made me want to throw my pillow at her and slowly walked away. The thing about my best friend was that she lived in Taylor-World. She lived in the clouds. She blurred fantasy with reality.

I took the glass from Will and sat up in bed. I appeared to be completely calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was still seething. Just thinking about what Will did made me angry. I didn’t know who I was really angry at—him or me. He was the one who had pulled the prank, but I was the idiot who had fallen for it. I was just as stupid and gullible as he was.

“Can I ask you a question?”

I took a sip of my water. “Shoot.”

“Why are you so calm? It’s freaking me out.”

I smiled into the glass. “Is it?” After taking another sip, I set the glass down between my legs. “I don’t know. This prank war isn’t fun anymore. I guess I’m just ending the fight before someone gets really hurt.”

“Maybe that’s for the best.”

I set the glass on the nightstand and settled back down in the bed. “Maybe. Can you get the lights?”

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