Chapter Thirty-Two: Emma

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A/N: Look at me, sticking to my schedule.... :') I should get an award. Or a crown. Or a wand. Or one of those fancy bejeweled cane/stick royalty carry around. Or was that the Pope? I don't know. Just carry on and read.


Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 32: Emma

Being questioned by the police was nothing compared to being questioned by the insatiable monstrosities that were my classmates. How did you escape? Why isn’t Taylor here? Why didn’t your bodyguard save you? Why do you even have a bodyguard if he can’t do his job? Did you want to get kidnapped? Why are you back at school so soon? What did they do to you? What happened over there? Are you still running for Prom Queen?

Yes, that last one was an actual question. Instead of asking me about the kidnapping or Taylor, they asked me about freaking Prom. Did I look like I was preoccupied with whether or not I’d be named Prom Queen this year? No. True, the girl who asked me was one who hated me for being crowned Prom Queen at Junior Prom, but still. It was so vapid. I had more important things to worry about.

Most of the questions were avoidable. All I had to do was look at Jack and he would step in. People tended not to push their limits when Jack was around, and when he walked closer and towered over them, they all but ran away. The questions I didn’t mind answering were the ones that were vague and general.  

“Do I need to kick anyone’s ass?” Aaron asked, slinging an arm around me. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. I loved Aaron, but we both knew he couldn’t beat up a goldfish, much less anyone who bothered me. I would do a better job of defending myself. Aaron was tall, lanky, and completely un-athletic. It was a wonder he’d managed to carry boxes for me when he was helping me plan Taylor’s party.

“Do you want to end up in the hospital with internal bleeding?”

He paused. “You know what? I think you and Jack are doing a great job with this.”

I stepped out of his grip and patted him on the arm. “That’s what I thought.”

He rolled his eyes and hooked his arm through mine, leading me to our English class. I was glad I had him, at least. School was boring and horrible without Taylor, but at least I had my best guy friend with me. We’d been friends since our parents became friends when we were in middle school, and I was lucky to have him. He made things a lot better, although nothing could make up for the fact that Taylor wasn’t there. I missed her.

The morning dragged on, and lunch wasn’t much better. Aaron and I sat with some of his friends, but a crowd surrounded our table the entire time, asking questions and gushing over my safe return. All I wanted was for them to shut the hell up, but I couldn’t even bother telling them to go away.

Study hall was the worst. Aaron wasn’t in that class with me, and all anyone did in that class was talk. Most people left me alone when Jack shot them a menacing glare, but there were a few brave souls who ventured down that dark path and tried to talk to me anyway. Most of those people left me alone when I gave them short answers and looked down at my new phone the entire time. I wasn’t sure what Will and Eric had done with my old one. They’d probably destroyed it, considering it hadn’t been tracked.

Halfway through study hall, I found myself on a search engine, my fingers hovering over the touch screen’s keyboard. Maybe Will had a Facebook or a Twitter. Or maybe he had an Instagram. He had a lot of selfies on his computer.

God, I was basically stalking him. I was being creepy, wasn’t I? I was being majorly creepy. Well, I was about to be.

I typed William Knight into the search engine, but that yielded too many results. I went on my Facebook app next and that worked much better. Facebook narrowed the list down by location and since Will lived in the same city as me, it was easy to find him. I looked around for Jack, making sure he was too far away to see my phone screen; he was.

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