Chapter 1: Bang E

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Chapter 1:

Amanda's POV

I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. The lyrics of Demi Lovato's song Believe In Me running through my mind. I heard my parents yelling, wishing they would stop. I heard a crashing noise and knew this wouldn't be good. I wouldn't be able to live through another one of his beatings.

I got up off my bed and went to my closet. I picked up my backpack and threw some clothes into in. I grabbed my phone, laptop, camera and my chargers. I put my wallet into the smallest pocket after I put all put the money I made from all odd jobs I had. I ran into the bathroom and got my brush. I opened a draw and grabbed my 2 blades, went back into my room and put one blade into a card slot in my wallet. I put my favorite blade into a different pocket.

Lastly I grabbed my signed copy of Demi Lovato's album Unbroken, my notebook and my hoodie and looked back at my room. This was the last time I was going to be in here. I pulled my hoodie on and winced in pain from the beating I got last night.

I pulled my backpack on and went to the window. Nothing was holding me back. I had no one. I opened the window and climbed out. I jumped the few feet to the ground and started running. I ran till my legs ached but I didn't stop. I needed to get away from that house of horrors.

I knew I was now in the heart of Dallas Texas, now I just needed to find a hotel for the night. I continued walking until I found one that was a little bit farther down the block. I didn't realize I forgot to look before I walked into the intersection until it was to late. I heard a car horn and turned to see a car coming at me.

I was a deer in headlights I couldn't move. I heard the tires squeal as I saw the women driving tried to brake. It didn't work. The impact of the car sent my body flying. I flipped a few times and came to a stop. I couldn't feel anything; I was just numb all over. I looked up at the sky and saw the moon and the stars.

I saw the women driving come into my field of vision and another women.

"Dallas call 911, she's alive!" I heard the driver say.

I could now start to feel the pain settle into my bones; I'm sure most of which most are broken. My vision was getting blurry and dark. I let my eyes close as I succumbed to the pain.

Demi's POV:

I ran out into the living room of my loft where I saw Dallas is waiting on the couch. I pick up my car keys and started toward the front door.

"Dal you ready?" I asked as she just looked at me.

"You know we are late right?" Dallas said as she walked out of the door in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and locked the door behind me. I got into the drivers seat and started my car. I pulled out of the lot and started toward our parent's house. I looked over at Dallas and she didn't look all that happy.

"Can you tell mom that we are on our way." I asked trying to relive some tension in a car full of it.

I returned my attention to the road and made a left. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Dallas was on her phone. I made a right and came to a stop at a red light. I started to play with the radio until the light turned green.

"I'm sorry that we are late I fell asleep watching TV." I said looking back at Dallas quickly. She flashed me a quick smile and look back out the window. I made the right and started straight.

"Demi watch out!" Dallas screamed and I jumped.

I saw what she was yelling about. A girl was walking across the street in front of my car. I hit the horn as I got closer.

The girl just looked at me. I hit the brakes as hard as I could but the car didn't stop in time. I heard the crunch as my car hit the girl that was trying to cross the street.

The car finally came to a stop and I jumped out of the car. I ran over to the girls' body. I knelt down and saw her eyes were open. She looked at me and I looked back at her.

"Dallas call 911, she's alive!" I yell at Dallas.

When I looked up at her she was already on the phone. I looked back at the girl and noticed her eyes were closed.

"No, no, no, baby girl stay with me!" I yelled at the nameless beauty that was lying in front of me.

Her face was cut up and I didn't dare look at the rest of her body. I looked around the street and saw her backpack lying a little farther away from her. I got up and walked over to it.

I opened the smallest pocket of her backpack and founder her wallet. I pulled it out and opened it.

"Demetria what are you doing?!" Dallas asked her voice now full of anger.

"I need to know her name Dallas." I said as I looked for a driver's license. I found it and read the name.

Amanda, Amanda Moon.

I heard the sirens in the background getting louder. I put her wallet back in the same place I found it and went back to Amanda. I looked down at her face.

"Amanda you're going to be okay baby girl. The paramedics are here. There going to help, just hold on." I said.

Two EMT's came up next to me and started asking questions. I tried to answer as much as I could but it wasn't much. The women just worked on Amanda. They took her to the back of the ambulance.

"Here, this is her's" I said as I handed one of the women Amanda's bag.

"Thanks." The brunette said as she took the bag.

"What hospital are you taking her too?" I asked before they shut the doors.

"Baylor University Medical Center." The brunette said as she shut the door to the ambulance.

I backed up to where her body was a few minutes ago. I looked at the ground and saw something that looked like a phone. I bent down and picked it up. It was Amanda's phone. I hit the home button on her iPhone and saw a picture of song lyrics.

I read them and started crying. They were the lyrics from my song Believe in Me. I fell to my knees and felt Dallas' arms wrap around me. I just cried onto her shoulder. I just hit a fan of mine.

I stopped crying after a few minutes. I let go of Dallas and clutched onto Amanda's phone. People where trying to talk to me but I didn't hear them. I just sat on the cold concrete and stared at her phone. I tried to clam my breathing but I couldn't. My chest started to hurt and my vision started to become blurry. I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes and fell back onto the ground.

It All Started with a Bang (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now