Chapter 28 The Breakup E

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Mia's POV:

Yesterday was great. I finally got that off my chest. My secret was slowly starting to kill me from the inside out. Wes texted me last night when Demi was in the bathroom and Maddie told me it was a good idea to end things now before it got worse. So I took her advice and asked him if he wanted to come over, which of course he said yes too. I just really hope that by me doing this, I don't ruin our friendship.

I told Wes to come over around 1 so I had time to get ready, even though we were probably going to be outside, shooting lacrosse balls. Well I'll be shooting; Wes will probably just be watching me. I taught him a little bit and he is a lot better than Demi at it. We can actually have a catch without him dropping the ball.

Knocking on my door interrupted my thoughts. The door opened before I could answer. Melissa walked in and closed the door behind her. She took a seat on my bed next to me.

"Okay spill." Melissa said.

"What are you talking about." I asked sitting up in bed.

"You're acting weird ever since you came home last night, and now it's 11:45 and your still in bed. Something's up." Melissa said. I sighed and ran a hand through my messy bed head and looked back up at Melissa.

"Your right something's up, its been killing me. Last night helped me deal with it but I'm going to finish it later." I said.

"Your being very cryptic right now and I don't like it. Spill the beans." Melissa said.

She moved on my bed. Sitting next to me cross-legged with her arms across her chest. She was giving me the stink eye. I hate that and find it very annoying.

"Fine I'll tell you just stop with the eyes!" I said and laughed, but Melissa didn't find it funny.

"Its about Wesley isn't it." Melissa said.

"I'm gay, and I thought that maybe being with Wes would make these feelings I have for girls go away but they did and now I need to break up with him before things getting worse." I said really fast.

The look on Melissa face was weird. It kind of looked like she understands, but than again I don't really know much about her coming out.

"I get it." Melissa said.

"What do you get?" I asked.

"The fact you need to break up with Wesley before things get worse. I know what that feels like." Melissa said.

"What is your coming out story?" I asked.

"I flat out told my parents when I was 18. I was dating a guy they set me up at the time, but we acted more like best friends then in a relationship. When I told them they told me I needed to talk to him and tell him. He understood and we are still friends." Melissa said.

I pretty good at reading people and I know that Melissa is hiding something. Something big. But she's good, only if you really know her would you know something's wrong.

"Now you're hiding something. Since I spilled mine its your turn." I said. Melissa looked like she saw a ghost.

Before she said anything to me, she jumped off my bed and ran into the bathroom. By the time I got off my bed and into the bathroom Melissa was spilling her guts into the toilet. I went up behind her and held her hair back. When she was done she flushed the toilet and sat on her butt.

"What I'm about to tell you stays between us, I haven't told Brooklyn yet." I nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Mia I'm pregnant." Melissa said looking me in the eyes.

It All Started with a Bang (Demi Lovato fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon