Chapter Eighteen

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Dedication: Ethereal29 for the amazing blend! It looks awesome! <3


Oh my God.

"Wow," he said slowly. He shook his head, his eyes filled with disappointment. "I should learn to knock."

He turned and strode from the kitchen.

Tears burned at my eyes as I laid back onto the table, burying my face into my hands.



I have really done it this time.

Harvey won't answer my calls, my texts and I go to his house this time. His mother says that he is busy studying. I am humiliated at the fact that she stood there and lied to me, because Harvey didn't want to see me. I had to do the walk of shame down his driveway, knowing full well she was watching me and so was he. It was horrible.

I was beginning to wonder if the Coach was even worth it. Of course he was dreamy, handsome and every teenage girl's fantasy, but was he worth risking my swimming career, my spot at an Elite school and most importantly, my best friend? I already knew the answer. He's not.

Sleep evaded me last night. All I could think about was Harvey's hurt face and his hollow voice. I was so disappointed in myself. I convinced myself to never do anything with the Coach again, but lost all self-control the moment he touched me.

I am weak.

I'm confused with myself-I don't even know if I really like him, or if I'm just physically attracted to him.

After lying in bed for hours, tossing and turning, I came up with one conclusion. I was going to have a serious talk with Ashton and see what the hell is going on. I need to know if we are actually going to become a couple who go on dates or if it is purely physical.

Rubbing my eyes wearily, I begin my walk to school. I am dressed in high-waisted denim shorts, only my swimsuit underneath. My arms were exposed to the early morning sunshine. It feels nice not wearing the heavy jacket and long skirt. The less I have to wear the hideous uniform, the better.

As practise was held at 7am every morning, I often stroll in at about ten to. Today, it was five to. I had trouble getting out of bed. My limbs are heavy with sleep and my eyes aching. I don't really want to be here today, but considering I had missed the last practise, I had to come. Especially since I had been 'suspended' from my first comp. I need to redeem myself.

Ashton flickers his eyes to me as I walk in, yawning.

"Just in time, Connaway," he frowns, glancing at his watch. "Glad you finally made an appearance."

I don't reply as I yawn again. Everyone else is ready to go and in line. This was why I wore my swimsuit there. 

Shrugging my bag from my shoulder, I drop it with a thud onto the bench and slide out of my shorts. I notice Ashton glance in my direction, before looking down at his clipboard.

"Okay," he announces. "Next week is our local competition. We're holding it here, which is always an advantage. However, I've noticed that some of you become a little too complacent when it's held at home grounds. I want to see top performance from everyone. I expect a first place in every race."

I blink back my drowsiness as I try to focus on Ashton and what he is saying.

"Hayden, you have held the record for the male freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly for three executive years. Let's keep that record going, yes?"

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